Dr. Mark Downey (He/Him)
Pre-Licensed Professional, Psychological Associate, Ph.D.
Welcome. You may have already tried other remedies before therapy, like forcing a smile, numbing out, self-help or beating yourself up. It can be confusing and frustrating when our old methods no longer seem to be working. And it is especially discouraging when we can sense a living ember inside, yet nothing has helped fan it into flame so far. I’m here to help you find some relief by getting in touch with those hidden parts of yourself. Book a free initial consultation with me today to begin. I am trained in depth-oriented talk therapy, mindfulness, and ecotherapy, among other modalities that can help you get to root issues and experience new growth. Through attending to your whole being (cognitive, emotional, physical, and spiritual presence) I believe you can find more meaning, authenticity, and joy in life.