Life Coaching therapists in Mold, Wales Wales, United Kingdom GB

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London, England therapist: Birgit Schreiber, psychologist
Life Coaching

Birgit Schreiber

Psychologist, PhD and MA in Psychology
Overall life coaching is very useful for being more active and directive in our sessions. This is a focus that enables us to experiment and be bold.  
24 Years Experience
Online in Mold, Wales (Online Only)
Seattle, Washington therapist: Sumer Statler Aeed, psychologist
Life Coaching

Sumer Statler Aeed

Psychologist, Licensed Psychologist
Sometimes in life we all end up in stuck corners or dead ends, invisible ceilings, new crossroads or that feeling in our gut that our current life is just not where we want to be. Life coaching may involve deep work in the past or a better lens to expand the possibilities of your forward. It can also involve finding ways to experience and value more fully your here and now. Taking the time to explore and re-resource, to take off blinders, deeply questions old ways, and beginning to expand our creativity to envision never before seen possibilities, these are some of the many ways we may collaborate and empower you to find both your true self and to create, meet and explore all the other selves and future you's to come. You will explore personal development in meaningful ways, dive into your life pool of opportunities, sort out priorities, find your true voice, and much more!  
25 Years Experience
Online in Mold, Wales (Online Only)
Port Charlotte, Scotland  therapist: Dr. Birte Nachtwey, registered psychotherapist
Life Coaching

Dr. Birte Nachtwey

Registered Psychotherapist, MD, CORST
I have a broad experience of having lived many different lives in different cultures, personal and professional roles and found my own path to the happy and fulfilled life that I live now. It was not always easy, but crisis can be a good chance for metamorphosis and change. I think I can relate quite well to people who are looking to find their place and path in their lives. Let’s try and find out where you feel stuck, unhappy, what your fears are and where you would like to be heading in the future. There are always other options. Don’t waste your life. It may be short and the only one you get.  
17 Years Experience
Online in Mold, Wales
Dublin, County Dublin therapist: John Castleford, registered psychotherapist
Life Coaching

John Castleford

Registered Psychotherapist, MA, mARCHTI, FRAI
I began as a coach to myself, and that was an extension of my many years as a teacher and educator. Knowing what outcomes we want, and the motivation that will drive our action to achieve our goals, combined with a realistic understanding of what action is needed on our part, and how much of a priority that involves all define the likelihood of success -- all these are essential elements of a successful designed outcome. However, do be aware I am not interested in helping coach for performance goals that you think will make you look better in the eyes of others, but I AM very much interested in GROWTH goals that will contribute to you becoming the best version of whom you could become.  
14 Years Experience
Online in Mold, Wales
Kirkliston, Scotland therapist: Jayne LESLEY Allen, hypnotherapist
Life Coaching

Jayne LESLEY Allen

Hypnotherapist, MIBWRT,MNCH,GQHP, Brainworking Recursive Therapist, NLP Practioner, Mindfulness Teacher, Coach
The word coaching literally means to transport a person from one place to another . NLP coaching is about not only making changes but also continuous improvement in life. When talking about achieving something, it is a dream, but if you plan it is possible, Coaching can employ various methods to help a client achieve goals whether in their personal or professional life. A coach will look to increase your positive beliefs, encourage you to be decisive and set out a clear direction of how to achieve what they want from life. This is done by understanding your nt's current situation, discussing personal attitudes to life and motivating you to set and achieve goals. Coaching helps you see beyond where you are today to what you can become tomorrow by working on your belief and value system. When coaching is combined with NLP we have a very powerful; tool , it allows us to alter the neural networks that dictate the way we think and act. A person will associate certain words or phrases with negative feelings and behaviour and by changing these words, people can effectively start reprogramming the neural networks for a more positive life. Progress can then be made in achieving specific goals or overcoming particular issues. areas suitable coaching Career Business Retirement Transformational Life Change  
14 Years Experience
Online in Mold, Wales