Hypnosis programs for weight loss deal with habit control, overeating, cravings, stress eating, and motivation to help you gain permanent weight loss. Hypnosis does not involve starvation or dangerous drugs and supports improved body image, self confidence and mood. Additionally, I can help you explore and learn about complementary approaches to help balance and soothe your system and reduce cravings..
With a plethora of therapists on our team we have the ability to meet many needs including Weight Loss. We will be able to fit you with a therapist who will meet you wherever you are on your journey. We are here to serve you.
Hypnotherapist, Licensed RTT Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotist, Duke Certified Health Coach, Spiritual Counselor
Clients who work with me for weight loss take part in 2-4 RTT Hypnosis weight loss sessions to help break through the root cause of their weight gain and proactively set them up for success with weight loss.
As a Health Psychologist, my focus is to help you deal with the psychological issues related to weight loss. Dealing with emotional eating, food addiction, and lifestyle issues is essential when losing weight. We will develop a treatment plan so you can lose weight effectively and keep the weight off, while feeling great.
Are you emotional eating? Is your portion size too large? Do you eat too much sugar? When you diet and use your willpower to try and change your eating but then something happens and you go off of your diet and you don't know why. In hypnotherapy there is a saying "it's not what you are eating, it's what's eating you." With hypnosis we will uncover why you are doing what you are doing and then we will have you replace unhealthy habits with health ones so that you can let go of the unwanted weight.