Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage and Family Therapist MFT
You might call Codependency an addiction to "taking care of others at my own expense," or "an addiction to being in relationship with an abuser." A definite Behavioral addiction! My modality of choice is Image Transformation Therapy and the Feeling State model. I find this model creates actual behavioral and motivational change, not just curbing my "take care of" behavior and gutting it out. I back this up with EMDR and the Feeling State Addiction Protocol.
Codependency generally results in the individual working so hard to care for the addicted loved one that the codependent individual's needs are neglected, which can also result in poor health, low self-esteem, depression, and other mental and physical consequences.
Psychologist, PhD Clinical Psychology, Masters in Marriage Family Therapy
Dr Roberts worked in the codependency-family program at Stanford drug and alcohol clinic on an inpatient and outpatient basis through all phases of recovery. She has a thorough understanding of the 12-step program and addictions and has helped hundreds of individuals in early, middle and late stages of recovery stay clean and sober.
Life Coach, Certified Conscious Uncoupling Coach | Certified Calling in "The One" Coach
Are you ready to overcome your patterns of codependence? Breaking these patterns requires that we get to the root of what's been driving those patterns, and that root is what I call your Source Fracture Story. This is the original break, or fracture that happened at a much earlier time in your life, and ever since then you've been repeating it in various ways, over and over in your relationships. But the good news is, it's not your fate to keep repeating these dynamics like a broken record. I can help you awaken to your power to create happier and healthier patterns in love moving forward.