The concept of Sound Mind Sound Body LLC is based on an Ancient Greek proverb that in order to be truly healthy, one must be healthy in both mind and body-if there is an imbalance, there is less fulfillment in one’s life. My goal is to help you to achieve that balance. There is an obvious emphasis in attaining physical health, and too often, there is less emphasis on the importance of mental health. In particular, how mental health can be impacted by physical health, and how physical health can impact mental health. Whether you experience chronic illness, trauma, identity issues (sexual orientation, ethnicity, the roles we play)-these are all areas that can affect one’s overall health. As a clinical psychologist, I have years of experience working in all these areas and hope to serve you to improve your well being. As someone who also struggles with chronic illness, specifically Crohn's Disease and PSC, my personal experience can also be helpful in improving understanding and treatment. Asking for help is hard, especially when you are in pain or feeling isolated. It's a brave step to reach out for help. I strive to help you find your healthiest self and to improving your quality of life. Feel free to e-mail: