Hypnotherapist, Doctorate in Metaphysical Science, MSc.D. Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist CTHT
Obesity can be a very serious life changing issue. Whether the therapy needs a simple gestalt therapy or a modified virtual gastric band, we will get in control of this dis ease together.
Experienced and knowledgeable in working with clients who're obese. More often than not, these clients have a problematic relationship with food such as binge eating.
Conventional responses to obesity are dieting, and in extreme circumstances, surgery. Neither gets to the cause of the compulsive over-eating which has led to obesity. Treatment of obesity is complex and the subject of my doctoral project. I have published a book on the topic entitled "Obesity. A Weighty Problem & The Cure" under my nom de plume, Dr. Mitch
Eating disorders are generally developed as a way to distract from painful emotions and self-medicate and/or to gain control.
5-PATH (The Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy) is a comprehensive way to address and release all negative emotions, perceptions and change the inner programs (early life negative beliefs and subconscious decisions) that trigger those emotions and perceptions. It is a also a powerful way to change habits and behaviors by coding in specific behavioral patterns directly into the subconscious mind.