Infidelity is one of the most common concerns in a relationship. The definition of infidelity is fairly vast, ranging from sexual contact to texts and the continuation of a profile on a dating site. Estimates range that between 25 to 75% of relationships experience some type of infidelity. After the devastating discovery of infidelity, intense emotions and recurrent crises are normative. The good news, however, is that the majority of relationships not only survive infidelity, but can become stronger and more intimate after processing and repairing the hurt through couple’s infidelity therapy.
The key steps in infidelity counseling are as follows:
The person who had the affair, needs to be willing to discuss what happened openly, and to be accountable for his or her actions.
There needs to be a willingness to make promises and commitments about the future.
The betrayed person should set the timetable for recovery. Oftentimes, the person who cheated is eager to put the past in the past, but the other person's timetable needs to be honored.
The person who had the affair should examine the personal reasons for straying, and explore what needs to change in the future.
Lastly, both members of the relationship need to take responsibility for building a new foundation.