Ishmaella Brutus

Counselor/Therapist, MHC-LP
Take the first step! Let's start this journey together.  
4 Years Experience
Online in Morrisania, New York

Under The Tree Counseling

Life Coach
I really enjoy working in the mental health field. I am passionate about helping others on their mental health journey. I use multiple modalities in my approach with clients. I believe in order for a client to reach their goals they must have a strong therapeutic alliance with their therapist. I always strive to make sure my clients feel welcomed, understood, heard and respected.
I have experience with the following disorders: Life Challenges Depression/Mood Brief Psychotic Anxiety OCD and Traumatic Stress Disorders. I encourage to reach out via email or phone to set up a time to talk.  
8 Years Experience
Online in Morrisania, New York

Judith Kellner

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW
As a couples and individual psychotherapist, I help adults manage relationship issues, or cope with difficult emotions due to cross-cultural issues, cultural transition, and trauma (affairs, immigration, war...). I am a certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor who can help foster closeness, security  
31 Years Experience
In-Person Near Morrisania, NY

John Vieira Silvestre

Therapist, LicPsi, LCSW
My treatment philosophy is one that combines humanistic values and CBT in helping patients to overcome their symptoms and emotional distress, so they can lead a more fullfilling life. I also help clients with underlying issues/personal styles of responding to situations that are dysfunctional.  
38 Years Experience
In-Person Near Morrisania, NY
Online in Morrisania, New York

Elena Katrantzos

Licensed Mental Health Counselor, LMHC
EK Mental Health Counseling specializes in treating OCD, including pure O, anxiety, trauma, and relationship issues. Anxiety can feel debilitating making you avoid all the things you enjoy the most in life. Intrusive thoughts can plague your mind and lead to a downward spiral of repetitive thoughts and actions. The therapists at EK Mental Health Counseling have specialty training in evidence based practices such as exposure response prevention (ERP), acceptance commitment therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy to help you find the relief you are searching for. We are a diverse group of mental health counselors with experiences in helping people of various cultural backgrounds.  
12 Years Experience
Online in Morrisania, New York

Robert Teixeira

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, M.P.I.A., M.A., M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Not only do you have a soul, you are SOUL. You are the LIGHT WITHIN, shining through the prism known as the self! What is the LIGHT WITHIN trying to tell you? My role is to help you listen, the first step toward greater freedom.  
20 Years Experience
In-Person Near Morrisania, NY

Ms. Lorna Hayim-Baker

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, "R"LCSW
My goal as a therapist is to create a warm, supportive, genuine and safe environment where you alone or with your significant other feel comfortable sharing with me your negative repetitive pattern that prevents you from from sailing through your relationship more smoothly. I want to help you to reinvent your marriage or long term relationship so that your lives intersect in the same space so I can get the opportunity to teach you how to respect each other's differences and teach you how you can agree to disagree and yet you are still able to say "I love you." I can help you both to come up with a common love language when you are home and happy or not so happy; and I can also teach you another love language that works well publicly. One works well in the bedroom and the other works well in front of strangers. All couples must develop love languages that work well privately and publicly. I want your relationship to maintain the love that brought you together in the first place. You may wonder why your love is not consistent, and you may notice that the respect you once had for one another has dissipated and the personal meaning once attached to your relationship is no longer there.. Most couples in your situation have what I refer to as their own "dance of anger" that happens again and again and again. By this, I mean couples fight about different issues but the way that they fight takes on a repetitive negative pattern and that pattern is their way of expressing anger and/or rage, regardless of the argument at hand. I refer to the way that most couples argue and fight as their "dance of anger". Remember, you can't change your partner and that is why you need professional advice. I can be your "go to person" who can teach you how to effectively communicate when you once again have disagreements that can be a threat to the survival of your relationship. I only accept accept couples who really want to preserve their relationship and can tell me that they are willing to put in the hard work, because married monogamous relationships are difficult to sustain, but by taking your marriage vows seriously, you both signed up for a loving partnership for a lifetime. Taking your vows and dancing at your wedding is just not enough because everyone's life is difficult. Life is more like "a bowl of cherries" and despite the succulent juice from the cherries, you will still have to deal with "the pits." We can't always dance through our problems. Despite making yourselves an expensive wedding or having gone to the court to take your vows,-what all married couples dwell on is trust. Is one person feeling like they don't trust the other or both feel the same way when it comes to trust, then pick up your phone to call Lorna Hayim-Baker at Riverdale Therapy & Counseling Services. I offer a free phone consultation before accepting new couples. I tell the truth when I counsel couples, and therefore, I vet each couple before I agree to meet with them in an "in person session" to avoid sessions where one partner or both can blow up my session because their personality does not mesh well with mine. My heart goes out to everyone who is about to experience "a bad breakup" or "a disastrous divorce.". I go many extra miles for each and every couple who comes into my office. I try to understand their shared stories and having a shared story is a lot easier to problem solve because they are in sync; but more often than not, I have to hear out each partner because they each have different stories to tell. I decipher their own personal stories because, in reality, there are two different versions of the same presenting problem and then their is the third version which is the most realistic story. It is only fair to hear each partner's voice as they often come to session offering their own point of view, but if one pays close attention, it often seems like there are 2-3 different problems; but in reality, there are two different sides about he same problem and sometimes even a third side that the therapist discovers and is being presented by each person. All three stories are different versions of the same problem. All sides are carefully listened to and It takes time to hear each person's interpretation of the same arguments. All stories are aired and I do my best to come up with possible solutions by providing lots of feedback. Couples can disagree with me about possible solutions that are offered. I have become very attuned to my couples because I have been doing this type of therapy for a very long time. I listen carefully to their presenting problems before providing feedback. I am not always right but I am pretty intuitive at this point in my career. Someone must try to understand the couple who came in to preserve their relationship and the hope is that I, as their therapist will remain neutral and unbiased in order to shed light on why the couples are not hearing each other as they each struggle to voice their complaints. More often than not, one or both partners become very defensive and neither one is listening to the other and their fight escalates. That's why they need an unbiased and caring therapist to intervene and help the couple deescalate by having them share the details of the original complaint that turned into a communication breakdown. Couples begin fighting right in front of me & my job is to stop their dispute and call a halt to their bickering so we can examine why their communication pattern broke down in the first place. Both partners are acting out and becoming nasty and defensive. Each partner had the same wish, which was to have their voice heard as he or she expresses their own complaint. I need to point out when their wheels are spinning but they are getting nowhere and they are in fact, stuck. Couples need to stop and listen to each other so I can help them come up with a plan that can get them "unstuck." To be an effective couples' counselor means that at the end of the session, the couple walks out with a sense of having a shared understanding of their problems and with a shared sense of hope because they learned how to tackle the types of ineffective communications that lead to "blow out fights" Hopefully, I will be your therapist who teaches you how to not add fuel to the fire. I want to be part of the solution and teach couples how to stop turning molehills into mountains. I am the therapist who loves watching love as it grows and makes both partners seem so much more mature.  
18 Years Experience
In-Person Near Morrisania, NY

Emily S. Rosen

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW-R
Psychotherapy (or counseling) is talking with a trained professional about your fears, concerns, behaviors, desires and dreams. My goal is to help you better understand yourself. You may seek treatment with me because you have been given a specific mental health diagnosis. Or you may seek treatment because you would like help dealing with a specific challenge such as job dissatisfaction or difficulty finding a partner. During a psychotherapy session, you will learn more about your behaviors, your thoughts and your feelings. Psychotherapy allows you to understand and take control of your life through new knowledge and coping skills.  
26 Years Experience
In-Person Near Morrisania, NY
Online in Morrisania, New York

Julia Girzadas

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LMSW
If you are looking for an authentic, empathetic, and non-judgmental therapist, you've definitely come to the right spot.  
2 Years Experience
Online in Morrisania, New York

Jessamy Rahman-Klapper

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LMSW
Discover harmony within yourself and your relationships. Together, we can transform challenges into growth and connection.  
8 Years Experience
Online in Morrisania, New York