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Staten Island, New York therapist: Be a Better You, LLC, licensed clinical social worker
Young Adult

Be a Better You, LLC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW, Psychotherapist
With over 10 years of experience in the field of therapy, I am here to offer you the support and guidance you need to navigate life's challenges with grace. I provide a safe, non-judgmental space where you can share your thoughts, fears, and dreams. My commitment to your well-being will be unwavering, and I'm here to be your partner in your journey towards personal growth and self-discovery. Through our sessions, I will not only listen attentively but also provide you with the honest answers and guidance you seek. My approach is built on trust, respect, and a genuine desire to help you find the tools and insights necessary to overcome obstacles and lead a more fulfilling life. Whether you're facing challenges in relationships, dealing with stress and anxiety, or seeking personal growth, I am here to walk alongside you. Together, we can uncover your inner strengths and work towards the positive changes you desire.  
13 Years Experience
In-Person in Staten Island, NY
Online in Staten Island, New York
Brooklyn, New York therapist: Moya Sinclair, counselor/therapist
Young Adult

Moya Sinclair

Counselor/Therapist, MHC-LP
Helping you become more self-actualized while laughing is my number one priority.  
5 Years Experience
Online in Staten Island, New York
Brooklyn, New York therapist: Jenn Coonce, licensed psychoanalyst
Young Adult

Jenn Coonce

Licensed Psychoanalyst, Licensed Psychoanalyst, New York State
Often times, people find that they experience unhappiness, anxiety, or repeated obstacles to getting what they want. This can lead to problems with relationships, work, or other areas of our lives. Through a cooperative, supportive relationship with the right therapist, you can learn how to cope with what the "universe" throws your way, and which of your own behaviors and conflicts are contributing to your unhappiness. By talking with someone you trust and feel comfortable with, I believe anyone can learn to know themselves better and to live more consciously and deliberately.  
14 Years Experience
In-Person Near Staten Island, NY
Online in Staten Island, New York
Manhattan, New York therapist: Anna Stephenson, therapist
Young Adult

Anna Stephenson

Therapist, MA, CCLS, RDT, LCAT
I’m really glad you’re here. I work with kids, teens, and adults to help them to live playfully, even when things feel like A LOT. My clients struggle like you and I do because life can just REALLY suck sometimes. Our entire world view, the way we see ourselves and respond to others can profoundly change after a traumatic event. As we shield ourselves from more pain, trauma can cause the parts of ourselves that are open to new experiences, ideas, our memories, and our even our bodies to close off. Therapy works to help reconnect us to those distant parts of ourselves, reinstating access to the full range of our potential and reigniting joy. I like to think of therapy like you’ve invited me over to your metaphorical home. What are your “house rules”? How many rooms are there and what’s in them? Should I take my shoes off before coming inside? We may not make it to the scary basement on day 1, but that’s okay. Our work will allow you to guide the tour and exploring your "house" together. Can I come in?  
7 Years Experience
In-Person Near Staten Island, NY
Online in Staten Island, New York
New York City, New York therapist: Ruann Ibrahim, art therapist
Young Adult

Ruann Ibrahim

Art Therapist, LCAT
Wherever you are in your life’s journey, I’m here to support you along your path of self-discovery and well-being.  
4 Years Experience
Online in Staten Island, New York
Los Angeles, California therapist: Private Virtual Sessions with Tommy are Easy, Convenient & Effective * both Phone & Online Sessions available * 10am to 10pm / Mon-Sun, counselor/therapist
Young Adult

Private Virtual Sessions with Tommy are Easy, Convenient & Effective * both Phone & Online Sessions available * 10am to 10pm / Mon-Sun

Usually, a client who has 1, 2 or 3 Sessions with Tommy will begin to experience Significant Progress in resolving their current issues. Once a positive shift occurs within a Client's mental, emotional &/or spiritual state... Then, the Client's outward conditions & circumstances will begin to reflect that. Thus, a Client's issues will gradually be resolved & a shift will occur allowing for a new & improved mental, emotional, spiritual &/or physical experience to come about in their life. Privacy, Ease & Convenience... Tommy provides Private Virtual Sessions either by Phone &/or Online. ** On-Demand Sessions are also available for New Clients from 10am to 10pm / 7 days a week. **You can book a Private Virtual Session with Tommy by contacting him directly** Private Client Line 858-281-3538 or or  
12 Years Experience
In-Person Near Staten Island, NY
Online in Staten Island, New York
Los Angeles, California therapist: Jillian Luz, marriage and family therapist
Young Adult

Jillian Luz

Marriage and Family Therapist, LMFT, ATR
I work from a non-pathologizing lens and strive to support my clients in exploring what past or current traumatic experiences, including personal/specific, cultural, and systemic, may be currently impacting their self-view and functioning. I offer a trauma assessment, EMDR treatment, and IFS to support processing past trauma (including chronic and childhood traumas) and grief & loss that may be causing current distress, unhappiness, relationship challenges, negative beliefs about one's self or abilities, and a lack of personal fulfillment.  
9 Years Experience
Online in Staten Island, New York
Rochester, New York therapist: Jenna Golden, licensed clinical social worker
Young Adult

Jenna Golden

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW
I love working with people to help them thrive in their environment, and to give them the coping skills and tools they need, to help them grow and succeed in the world around them. Life can be chaotic and stressful and I want to be able to provide you with a space where you feel safe and relaxed.  
10 Years Experience
Online in Staten Island, New York
West Hollywood, California therapist: Dr. Ingrid Solano, psychologist
Young Adult

Dr. Ingrid Solano

Psychologist, PhD
I see myself as an intuitive, creative, informed, and highly trained Clinical Psychologist that provides a safe, nonjudgmental, and transformative environment. Therapy with me fosters a deep sense of engagement and connection, a sense of feeling heard and understood, and clarity where there was previously ambiguity. I have a passion for the importance of relationships, authentic living, self-acceptance, and the complex experiences of those who hold multiple identities. I specialize in hard to talk about topics that are often stigmatized or concealed.  I treat clients who are dealing with a variety of concerns including depression, anxiety, co-dependency, interpersonal problems (i.e., couples therapy, sex therapy), stigma/discrimination, childhood/adult sexual trauma, shame and guilt (among others). I specialize in non-traditional/diverse  relationships and sexuality, complex PTSD, LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy, and the unique stressors of being a creative.  I work well with curious individuals who are motivated to grow, share, be vulnerable, and play in therapy and in their lives. Creativity and curiosity in psychotherapy allows both of us to explore, question, imagine, and reflect on thoughts and experiences with depth and authenticity. Together we explore more flexible ways of thinking and relating to others. I offer evidence-based therapies from a curious, nonjudgmental philosophy. No matter where you have been, evidence-based therapies focus on changing the now. I strive to help my clients experience the world mindfully, and in accordance with their personal values. Through our work in cultivating an affirming, authentic, and non-judgmental therapeutic relationship, I provide support while we collaboratively deconstruct what is causing distress in your life and preventing you from being your most effective and authentic self. Individual therapy facilitates insight and growth, becoming more effective at actualizing your values, and building more authentic relationships with yourself and with others. While there are many forms of therapy you can pursue, my expertise is in time-limited, evidence-based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies (CBT), the Unified Protocol for emotional disorders, and third wave CBT such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness based interventions. (I do have experience in, and practice, an eclectic arrangement of other modalities as well-- when applicable or specifically requested.) We explore thoughts, beliefs, and understanding, while also prioritizing behavioral processes that focus on your contexts and the functions of how you relate to your internal experiences. CBT is designed to help individuals notice and shift their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to get relief from painful emotions such as anxiety and sadness.  
13 Years Experience
In-Person Near Staten Island, NY
Online in Staten Island, New York
Los Angeles, California therapist: Tilley Fine, life coach
Young Adult

Tilley Fine

Life Coach, Certified Conscious Parent Coach CPMCP™, Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Self-Regulation
Are you tired of feeling trapped in the cycle of stress and anxiety? At my practice, we believe in healing at the root level, empowering you to become your own source of medicine and free yourself from past traumas. From anxiety and depression to health ailments, digestion issues, chronic fatigue, always being busy and ‘on the go’, our healing practices start with regulating the nervous system. With a unique blend of traditional coaching and therapy, combined with spiritual, scientific, and practical approaches, I’m here to support you on your journey towards deep personal success. With years of experience as a Certified Stress and Anxiety coach, Conscious Parenting coach, and mental health advocate, I've helped countless individuals, families, and groups worldwide to navigate through childhood trauma and cultural influences that are affecting our present lives.  
6 Years Experience
Online in Staten Island, New York