Relationship and Marriage Counseling therapists in Spanish Fort, Alabama AL

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Mobile, Alabama therapist: Collins Counseling Associates, licensed professional counselor
Relationship and Marriage Counseling

Collins Counseling Associates

Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC, LMFT
Clinicians who have extra specialized training in providing counseling for couples, or individuals having problems in their relationship, are Hazel, Paul, Becca, John and Mary. Becca Goodwin, LMFT specializes in providing couples therapy for those in same sex relationships.  
19 Years Experience
In-Person Near Spanish Fort, AL
Online in Spanish Fort, Alabama
Cincinnati, Ohio therapist: Ben Dickstein, psychologist
Relationship and Marriage Counseling

Ben Dickstein

Psychologist, PhD
I provide services to couples seeking relationship and marriage counseling. I typically include elements of cognitive behavioral therapy and integrative behavioral couples therapy in these sessions. The types of issues that I typically work on with couples include improving communication skills, diminishing the frequency/intensity of arguments, and working through past histories of trauma.  
11 Years Experience
Online in Spanish Fort, Alabama
Denver, Colorado therapist: Johanna Isaacs, psychologist
Relationship and Marriage Counseling

Johanna Isaacs

Psychologist, Psy.D., PsyPACT Participant
I work with couples to help improve their communication so that they can better understand one another and appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses. My goal is to create a safe place where each person is heard and validated for who they are. We explore the value that the relationship provides to each person and work to strengthen the connection by creating behaviors that join each other together.  
13 Years Experience
Online in Spanish Fort, Alabama (Not available in-person)
 therapist: Soul Journey Coaching & Wellness, counselor/therapist
Relationship and Marriage Counseling

Soul Journey Coaching & Wellness

Counselor/Therapist, Board Certified Holistic Functional Medicine Psychoneuroimmunology Practitioner
Soul Journey Coaching works with Relationship and Marriage Counseling from the perspective of your relationship with self as it relates to your relationship with others.  
24 Years Experience
Online in Spanish Fort, Alabama (Not available in-person)
Atlanta, Georgia therapist: Alena Porter, licensed professional counselor
Relationship and Marriage Counseling

Alena Porter

Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC, NCC
I use the four (or more) session model for relationship counseling. For the first session I meet with all the partners to establish what issues brought them to counseling. Then in the second and third (or more) sessions I meet with each partner individually so that they can say things to me that they don't want to say in front of their partner(s) and then for the fourth session I meet with all the partners together to review what I have learned and lay out my proposed treatment moving forward. I have found this method to be very effective, especially when compared to strictly relationship sessions.  
6 Years Experience
Online in Spanish Fort, Alabama (Not available in-person)