Much of our self esteem is originally developed through a healthy interactive relationship with our parents or caregivers during childhood. Interruptions, abuse or neglect during childhood creates a break in the development of self esteem. This can be addressed in therapy, changing self-defeating beliefs formed as a result of how you were treated, and creating ways to build your self esteem in adult life.
How do you begin to feel good enough about yourself? With the help of psychotherapy there is a route to feel better. I would like to meet with you to see what can be done to help you. This will enable us to get to know each other and see if we can work together. It’s important for you to work with someone you trust and feel safe with.
In modern life, we often feel that self-esteem is something that comes from our achievements, successes and how we are perceived by others. We often fall into the trap of believing that other people are the cause of our low self-esteem. However, self-esteem flows from the inside-out. What this means is that as we get back in touch with who we really are and allow ourselves to flow from that space our self-esteem naturally begins to increase.
I have worked throughout my career to help individuals (children, adolescents, and adults) identify who and/or what contributes to their low sense of self. I help them to identify strengths, and focus on what is in that person's control in an effort to take the power away from what has historically contributed to their self-perception.