If you are struggling in your relationship or marriage, you can find clarity by seeking help from someone who can listen and consider the concerns of everyone involved. Relationship repair requires a willingness to be transparent about issues that are causing unrest. If you are concerned about the state of yours and are ready to find solutions, let's talk about it.
I use the four (or more) session model for relationship counseling. For the first session I meet with all the partners to establish what issues brought them to counseling. Then in the second and third (or more) sessions I meet with each partner individually so that they can say things to me that they don't want to say in front of their partner(s) and then for the fourth session I meet with all the partners together to review what I have learned and lay out my proposed treatment moving forward. I have found this method to be very effective, especially when compared to strictly relationship sessions.
I work with clients who struggle with Relationship issues. During our sessions, we will collaborate to create a plan for addressing them that helps you get your relationship back on track. We will explore relationship based trauma and treat this as well as explore personality styles and differences. I practice from a Holistic perspective and commonly employ EMDR and other effective modalities with helping clients achieve balance and purpose in their lives and creative solutions to their problems. This includes exploring past issues and trauma that may be a factor presently.
I provide services to couples seeking relationship and marriage counseling. I typically include elements of cognitive behavioral therapy and integrative behavioral couples therapy in these sessions. The types of issues that I typically work on with couples include improving communication skills, diminishing the frequency/intensity of arguments, and working through past histories of trauma.