I Started on my spiritual path in 2000 when I discovered Reiki, becoming Master Teacher in 2002. Let me accompany you on your spiritual journey by 1 to 1 coaching, workshops and retreats.
I have found that connecting with my inner being or essence is the most powerful and satisfying experience I can have. To me, this is a spiritual journey that has also taught me about energy and how to disengage from our 'ego' or 'adapted mind.' It is a real joy for me to co-create a space where you can discover who you truly are and live from a place of inner guidance and joyful inner strength.
What we believe about our place in the world- in nature, in the web of humanity, what we think happens when we die, and what we see as the purpose of our lives form an often-unexplored and essential part of what drives us. Exploring your spiritual and soul nature, and how that relates to your religious background (or not) can bring depth and transformative power to the therapy. If you're interested in the spiritual focus in psychotherapy, have a look at Mary Oliver's poem, Wild Geese. This resonates with my spiritual sense: creaturely, compassionate and connected to the natural world.
Therapist, Reichian Therapy (Character Analysis & Bodywork), Ecotherpay, Family Constellations, Touch for Health Kinesioogy, Natural Healing, Accredited facilitator of the Work that Reconnects
There are many paths up the mountain, but only one mountain. There is one river, and many wells. There is, in other words, a Universal Spirituality.
Many more people profess a spiritual awareness than practice a particular religion or faith. The majority of people, in fact, profess some perception of something greater than their individual selves, in which the boundaries of the self are expanded, a connection with a larger consciousness be it ‘Gaia’ or ‘God’. We are all one. We are all interconnected….
The point is that these experiences beyond the mundane enrich our lives. This ‘transpersonal’ perspective (extending beyond the self) infuses all my work. It is the spice of life!