Life Coach, Hypnosis and NLP, shamanic healing, Energy Psychology (including "tapping"), Voice Dialogue
I’m not a typical life coach. Most life coaching is based on the premise that the client is “healthy” enough to not need therapy or “healing”, and that coaching is all about looking forward, not backwards.
I disagree. I believe that most of us (even successful people) operate subconsciously much of the time out of reactivity from painful past life experiences and current stresses. Those wounds can provide great motivation, but without consciousness, they eventually lead to burn-out and "life crises".
Coming to terms with those experiences and reducing life stressors makes a client more grounded and balanced – which add up to someone who can now be present enough to apply tools like “emotional intelligence” training.
So I use some typical coaching tools, but I also use therapeutic approaches from mental health, healing modalities from spiritual traditions, hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, and energy psychology.
I also use the Professional Strengths, Values & Story Survey (SVSS). The SVSS is an innovative motivational assessment tool that explores your identity and direction through 12 universal “story types.” By understanding what truly motivates you (not what other people think should motivate you), you’ll see your life and work-life purpose in wholly new way. From this point, you’ll learn how to use your strengths to move your life forward instead of struggling to use aspects of your character that don’t have much motivational energy.
Finally, if you’re looking for life meaning or purpose, consider True Purpose coaching. TP is a both a practical and an idealistic/spiritual approach to understanding (and manifesting, if you choose) what your soul – not your ego – wants for you. True Purpose is based on practices that enable individuals to access their own higher source of wisdom (even if that’s “just” one’s own “higher self”) and turn that into a life-long resource. The practical part is about clearly defining and dealing with your internal limitations – which, by the way, are usually the same beliefs that have kept you from your true potential.
Call if you think we might be a match. I’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.