Since trauma is at the root of PTSD and dissociation, I understand the effects that trauma has upon an individual. In the 1990's, I worked as a North Carolina Paramedic and experienced the effects that trauma can have upon an individual. Whether it is childhood traumas, military experience traumas, or any other unexpected experiences that the flight and fight response system was not an option, and therefore, the freeze response resulted in the trauma; healing requires various approaches. Being a pastor living overseas for 19 years ministering to American military stationed outside of the USA has given me many opportunities to minister to those affected by trauma. Often those who experienced traumatic experiences on more than one occasion develop complex PTSD with dissociation. My experience working with dissociative individuals is very beneficial when understanding and helping those with PTSD and sometime complex PTSD.
Have you suffered from traumatic experiences that overwhelmed your ability to cope? Do you feel disconnected from others, re-experience those experience when you don't want to, or think you may never be able to move forward in your life? If so, please reach out so that we may work together to find healing.
Hypnotherapist, Licensed RTT Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotist, Duke Certified Health Coach, Spiritual Counselor
I have experience working with a lot of people who experienced trauma and PTSD. Either using the emotion code, or RTT, hypnosis and health coaching we navigate through the trauma and lead you to greater confidence, wellbeing and a sense of stability.