Although prescription medications are available for both anxiety and depression, many doctors DON’T tell you about some important things you can do that naturally contribute to better emotional health.  Here are some of them:

  • Drinking enough water-many of us don’t drink enough and when we’re fully hydrated, our bodies and brains work better!  Try out the app “Water Llama” as a way to reach your water intake goals.
  • Eating regularly throughout the day – while making healthier food choices is important, many of us skip meals.  Aim to eat something roughly every 4-5 hours, even if they are small portions.  Doing so will keep your blood sugar levels steady.  Dips in our blood sugar from going without eating too long can tank our mood and energy level.
  • The human body is designed to move!  Even just 20 minutes of moderate walking a day is enough to significantly reduce levels of depression and anxiety.  The more physical activity you get, the better your emotional health!  Side note:  EVERY moment of movement counts and adds up through the day- whether you decide to take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther from your office door, or walk around the block once on your lunch hour.  Exercise doesn’t have to be consecutive/all in one time block to benefit us.
  • As humans we are social animals.  To be emotionally well, it’s crucial that we have positive, enjoyable social interactions that allow us to feel seen, known, and accepted.  That includes a phone call or visit with a friend or relative, volunteering for a cause with others, having a family game night, or even having a brief pleasant conversation with someone at the grocery store or bus stop  (research shows that the latter kind of interaction can boost our mood for up to 4 hours afterwards!)