Have you experienced violence within a relationship? Have you experienced a random act of violence? This can be a single assault to experiencing years of abuse at the hands of a loved one. It can be abuse by a romantic partner, child, parent, friend, or stranger. Physical violence shocks our system and its sense of safety in the world creating long term consequences and contributing to ongoing stress. We can help to provide you a safe space to discuss your story while also increasing your sense of safety and trust. We can work to ensure your body and mind feel safe moving forward and do not carry the scars of this violence. Please contact us to begin this work and schedule your first appointment.
I have extensive experience working with survivors of domestic abuse --including male survivors-- and I can help you gain the skills and confidence to rebuild your life and sense of dignity after an abusive relationship.
Counselling can help if clients are experiencing domestic abuse or violence. It is often difficult to seek help because we start believing we deserve it, or we are afraid to stand up for ourselves, we're afraid the abuser will get worse, or we don't know how we'll survive financially. There is help out there and support from trained professionals who have often experienced domestic abuse themselves. Safety is the number one concern. Clients will experience relief when they are able to get help because they'll learn there is life outside of abuse. It is possible to heal and thrive after abuse.
I have counselled many females regarding domestic abuse - both physical and emotional. I have specifically worked with those who are facing PTSD related to this trauma and have also prepared women clients for court - and the emotional repercussions that this can have.
Tacit has many years of experience working with adults and teens who are in Violent/Abusive Relationships - if both partners are aware of the issues and willing to make changes, she will work with them as a couple. If only one partner recognizes the Violence/Abuse that is occurring, Tacit will work with that individual alone - personal safety will be the priority.