Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with many children and teenagers who happen to be autistic.  Often their parents are very worried.  They worry about their child’s future and how people will treat their child.  They have this concern because society tends to treat autism like some terrible disease.  Many people assume that someone with Autism will never have a future or decent life.  Additionally, many parents have difficulties with schools because many public schools find working with students on the autism spectrum difficult.  At times it may be difficult, but my experience has been if the schools try slightly harder students on the Spectrum do fine.  No one should decide that because someone is on the Spectrum that they cannot do well in school.

Unfortunately, many of these children on the Spectrum are teased at school.  It appears that boys seem to be teased more than girls.  In my experience this is because boys on the Spectrum tend not to comply with the typical outdated male stereotype.  They tend to express their feelings more and they tend to be more accepting of others who are different.  As a result, the other boys see them as easy targets to tease.  This tends to really hurt their feelings and confuse the boys.  They don’t understand why the other boys are being mean to them because they would never treat them the way the boys are treating them.  Therefore, my experience has been overall boys only the Spectrum are more sensitive and caring.  However, many parents are children will see them as inappropriate and they worry how they might treat their children.  All of this is due to a stereotype regarding Autism.

However, this has not been my experience.  The children and teens I have had the pleasure to work with who have autism are caring, smart, decent people.  When they are given a chance, they can achieve a great deal.  Many teenagers on the autistic spectrum are able to go to college, get a job, have a family and be productive members of society.  However, for this to occur we need to eliminate the negative stigma associated with autism and mental health.  We also need to provide them with the mental health services so they can succeed.  They should be able to access these services without being judged.  However, many children with Autism are teased at school and many insurance companies refuse to pay for psychotherapy.  Autism is not a disease and you cannot catch it.  Also people with Autism having feelings and being teased at school does a great deal of damage to their self-esteem.  Children and teenagers need to be treated with respect meaning schools need to eliminate the teasing they endure at school.  Insurance companies need to pay for psychotherapy so they can develop their abilities to express their emotions and so they can interpret social cues.  If we do this, a child with Autism can achieve a lot in their life.  The show the Good Doctor, shows an autistic young man who became a doctor.  This is not a fantasy.  There are several physicians with Autism who are perfectly capable of working as doctors and do.   

I saw a video of a teenager talking to a judge.  This teen with autism shows why we need to eliminate the negative stigma associated with mental health and provide access to services without judgement.  Also he shows why we should not judge people or label people. Watch how impressed the judge is by this young man.  He is very mature, acts appropriately, has a plan for himself and not ashamed about being autistic. People can surprise you when you don’t judge them https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6507566653688160256.

If we provide other teens who are on the autistic spectrum or are depressed with the appropriate services, you would be amazed at what they can do.  I have never met and worked with a child or teen on the autistic spectrum who has not impressed me with what they can do once they are given a chance.

Dr. Michael Rubino is a psychotherapist with over 20 years experience treating children and teenagers many have been on the autistic spectrum.  For more information regarding his work or private practice practice visit his website www.RubinoCounseling.com, his Facebook page www.Facebook.com/drrubino3 or his podcasts on Spotify or Apple or Audible.