This is a follow-on to the previous week’s post (available here) in which we explored Sankalpa as sacred commitment aligning actions with a profound sense of purpose to positively impact one’s leadership skills.
1. Personalized Learning for Leadership Development.
In a post-Covid era when the dinner table became the conference room, leadership from home transformed to propel individuals, teams, and organizations toward excellence. At the forefront of this view, we turn to the concept that ‘Leadership is a personal journey, and Sankalpa offers a tailored approach to growth’ that can occur in any given context. By crafting intentions that align with individual strengths and aspirations, leaders tailor their vision focusing on specific areas of improvement. This personalized approach nurtures an ethos of continuous learning and self-discovery within leadership to enable development within the culture of an organization.
2. Intentionality as a Continuous Journey.
A Sankalpa-driven leader, by embodying their commitment, becomes an inspiration for a culture of intentionality within the organization. This cultural pivot creates a collaborative environment where teams are aligned with a shared purpose, driving collective and individual success. Encouraging teams to embrace the organizational higher truth creates a shared sense of purpose and commitment. This collective intention-setting aligns the entire organization toward common goals, cultivating a collaborative work environment.
I’m not suggesting that once vows are embraced conditions immediately shift toward the better. Rather, I am offering that Sankalpa balances and facilitates effective leadership by anchoring aspirations in a commitment to the highest truth. Leaders who integrate vows into their leadership style pursue ambitious goals with a sense of purpose and ethical responsibility understanding that leadership is a continuous journey. But, how does a leader incorporate such a concept into their approach?
To fully grasp the transformative power of Sankalpa, leaders can embark on a guided journey through use of the below prompts. While they are not all necessary to approach as a step-by-step process (context is key), the intentional implementation of one creates the space and flex to incorporate added phases. And, when doing so, give yourself sufficient time to discern the depth of the level necessary to achieve desired results. This may necessitate self-compassion to transcend current controls, or it may suggest that a particular step involves additional resources, such as time.
3. The Gameplan.

  1. Begin by setting aside time for self-reflection. Consider your values, strengths, and long-term goals. The time involved varies based on one’s schedule. Typically, the beginning and end of the day are helpful as this time offers the space to envision and reveal the events that occurred to reorient oneself toward successive opportunities.
  2. Craft a Sankalpa that resonates with your authentic self and embodies your commitment to what is understood as your highest truth. This sacred commitment represents your core, the very essence of your being.
  3. Translate a Sankalpa into tangible, measurable goals that align with your vision. Most will use SMART goals, however that is only one tool available among many. For instance, you might opt to try OKR, BHAG, PACT, Stretch, and GROW among the many options.
  4. Emphasize the importance of regularly revisiting and reaffirming the Sankalpa to stay connected with the core intention and adjust goals as needed. This can be done according to personal preference but at a time that allows your undivided attention.  
  5. And, lastly, while this certainly applies to an organization, on an individual level, extend the practice outward, fosteing a collective commitment that enhances collaboration and goal alignment among one’s personal community.

As the corporate landscape continues to evolve, where adaptability and resilience are paramount, Sankalpa emerges as a thread that transcends cultural and organizational frontiers. By integrating the essence of Sankalpa into one’s leadership style, leaders can navigate complexities of authenticity with purpose, resilience, and a commitment to continuous growth.

The significance of Sankalpa becomes increasingly apparent—not just as a tactical or a strategic tool but as a profound commitment to leadership excellence. By setting Sankalpa as the north star, leaders unlock a path to sustained success, fulfillment, and a legacy of authentic and impactful leadership.

🚀 Ready to Dive Deeper into Your Leadership Development? Join the Journey! If you’re as fascinated by personal and professional growth as I am, let’s take this adventure together. Hit this contact link for a free 15-min consult and determine how we can collaborate to deliver your best life.