Counselor/Therapist, Dept of Health Outpatient Treatment Facility License
Lifeline is a team of counselors/therapists with the education and experience to help with most any issue that can bring a person to counseling. We offer a wide variety of programs and approaches that are designed for you. With our large team of providers we are able to find a good fit for you.
-Now Accepting United Healthcare Insurance-In Network Only-
*Accepting New Clients In-Person or Telehealth* Helping Individuals, Couples and Families to Achieve Wellness in their Lives & Heal from painful life experiences. Serving Arizona, Specializing in Addictions, Process Addictions & Mental Health Issues. Today can be the beginning of Change, “Let’s Get Started”.
My practice focuses on meeting the needs of individuals who (a) have difficulty managing the toll of a significant medical condition (cancer, chronic pain, HIV/AIDs, etc.) that impacts quality of life, and (b) individuals who are in helping roles and faced with burnout, compassion fatigue, and/or vicarious trauma. I create a safe place allowing you the ability to explore options that fit your values and goals. Each person's unique perspective and experience is honored in a nonjudgmental and compassionate space. As a medical patient and helping professional myself, I've found this approach most effective when I've been in similar shoes. I am dedicated to providing evidence-based, culturally competent, ethical services to the community. If you're interested in talking further to see if this can be a good fit, please feel free outreach. You are not alone!
My approach to healing is client-centered through an attachment-based perspective to help clients attain inner calm and a sense of control. I offer supportive counseling with a keen eye for pinpointing your self-defeating patterns, strengths and solutions. What's unique about my approach is my emphasis on in-between session support and activity that empowers individuals to implement what they learn in sessions in practical ways that address their real life stuck points and triggers.
The aim is that you grow in resiliency and confidence to attain welcomed changes in your life. You are wired for healing and connection, and my job is to help you experience this. Key characteristics of my style include being genuine and direct with an emphasis on helping clients find purpose and emotional stability.
Licensed Professional Counselor, DBH, MBA, LPC, NCC
White Tiger Counseling utilizes a strength-based recovery-focused approach to the therapy process to help build resilience and fortitude within the patient.
Being in relationship with others can uncover areas of strength as well as struggle. If you grew up in a family that didn't do much self reflection, perspective taking, emotion coaching or repair making, you may feel at a bit of a loss with how to navigate relationship struggles in helpful ways.
Perhaps you've vented to friends and family to reduce the tension of the latest disagreement. For most of us though, that doesn't get us the perspective and skills necessary to get unstuck or moving forward more productively. I help people through targeted feedback and support to gain greater relational satisfaction and results. Even if your partner or child won't attend, sometimes the power of one can make a huge difference.
Perhaps today is a good day to take a risk and reach out to see if the change you seek is more attainable than you think. I bring a wholistic, curious, light-hearted, real and down to earth approach that takes into account your unique needs and goals.
If you're ready to try something new and would like support please reach out for help. While I don't accept insurance, I do have current openings. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
My years of academic and professional experience have allowed me to effectively work with a diverse client population of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and behavioral/mental health issues, especially those experiencing difficult life circumstances. I strive to help clients navigate situations related to burnout, existential crises, mindfulness, self-care, distress intolerance, interpersonal conflicts, life transitions, thinking disorders, and so much more.
I am a psychologist that is passionate about all of us living the full passionate lives we are meant to. Sometimes this involves healing from the past, other times it means working towards visioning and creating the future, oftentimes both. Ready for real change and willing to do the work? (yep it is work but well worth it) Let's go.
A human being, by nature, is full of contradictions. I believe a strong therapeutic alliance is essential to the therapy process. The experience of "feeling" seen, or felt, or heard, is the beginning of healing. Knowing that while you are unique, you are not alone. My belief is that strong therapy starts with the therapeutic relationship.
Intimate relationships can be so challenging to navigate. It's natural to feel discouraged or hopeless if you've been experiencing difficulties in your relationship for a while. I know that it can feel really intimidating to face your relationship issues together with your partner, let alone to ask for support from a therapist -- it's so vulnerable! I totally get it -- I've been there too. I'm a couple therapist who has gone through couple therapy, more than once! I understand how vulnerable even thinking about starting couple therapy can feel.
Here's how I can help: I can offer a space for you and your partner to sort through your challenges with fair representation of both partners; I can coach you on how to communicate respectfully and effectively, as well as how to address the core issues that are causing you pain; I can help you find ways to connect with each other that are unique to your relationship, as well as attainable and effective long-term; I can help you to find options to issues that have felt like they have no solutions; ultimately, I can help you to build security in your relationship so that you feel confident in your agreements, connection, and purpose as a couple.
Does this sound like it would be helpful for you? Good! Next step is to fill out my contact form to get in contact with me directly. Let's get you the support you need to feel secure in your relationship. 🙂