Being a teenage boy in 2022 is very difficult for many boys.  Most teenage boys are still trying to live up to to the old stereotype regarding what it takes to be a “man.”  As a result of trying to live up to this image, it cost many teenage boys a big price.  Many boys get into trouble because of this stereotype and they don’t deserve it.  They need someone to explain to them what is acceptable or not acceptable for young men in 2022.  This is what this article will try to address.

First let’s look at the traditional stereotype.  According to the traditional stereotype boys need to be tall, their muscles need to be in shape.  Many teenage boys are working day and night so they have a six pack.  Many boys feel inadequate about their bodies if they do not have a six pack.

Besides having to be physically fit, they need to be able to take on any challenge, they should be able to handle alcohol, drugs. and sex and are not emotional.  If they are not able to handle these issues they are looked down upon and as weak.  This makes it difficult for teenage boys to make the decisions that are best for them.  Furthermore, these issues do not make someone a man.  Yes men need to deal with them, but if a man doesn’t drink alcohol or a teen is waiting to have sex, he is still a man.  At times it more difficult to say no instead of going along with the crowd and say yes when you don’t want to.

Another issue boys have to face is technology.  Boys have to be careful about what they post in today’s world.  Colleges and employers now search the web when you apply to a college or a job.  They look for posts containing alcohol or posts containing negative statements about girls, sex or racial slurs.  Many teenagers have had their acceptance to college revoked due to what they posted online.  The best example is  Harvard University.  A couple years ago they revoked the acceptance to several freshmen because of racial slurs and slurs about women they had posted.  The teens thought it would be looked at as boys being boys but many places no longer accept this excuse.  Sadly many boys are getting in trouble for their behavior because in the past it was acceptable and no one has really explained to teenage boys that i

their current behavior is no longer acceptable.

Another issue which gets teenage boys into trouble is texting.  Specifically sexting or sending nude or sexually suggestive photographs.  Many teenage boys feel their is no problem with these issues because they is mutual consent.  However, what teenagers forget is that since they are under the age of 18, this is considered child pornography.  While they may have mutual consent, if you are sending sexually explicit material to anyone under the age of 18, you are violating child pornography laws.  Typically boys are the ones who are blamed and may face legal charges.  The tragic part of this situation is the boy had no idea he was doing anything wrong. He never knew because no one ever explained that he was making a mistake.

Another area which gets boys into trouble is language.  Many teenage boys are use to swearing when they talk because that is how boys think they are suppose to talk.  Again often the boys get into trouble because they are doing what they see and hear other boys talk.  However, no one has told the boys that the language they are using where they are using it is not appropriate. They are acting based on this old stereotype so they will be accepted.  Before punishing the boys, they need to educate the boys and give them a chance.

Bottom line, the old stereotype regarding male behavior is in appropriate and boys are being taught they must use alcohol, be physically aggressive towards others and they must be sexually active if they want to be considered men.  This behavior can get teenage boys now into major trouble.  Therefore, we need schools and male role models to educate young teenage boys that the old male stereotype is outdated.  We need the schools and male role models to educate young teenage males what behavior is appropriate regarding alcohol, language and sexual activity.  Also teenage boys today need male role models to educate them how to respect themselves.  If we don’t start to educate teenage males about how the old stereotype is inappropriate, how can we expect boys to react appropriately?

Furthermore, this old stereotype is resulting in many teenagers and men to feel isolated and depressed because they have to ignore their feelings in order to follow this stereotype.  The suicide rate for teenage boys’ has increased from the third leading cause of death to the second leading cause of death.  Therefore besides ruining people’s lives, including girls, the old male stereotype is costing the lives of teenagers.  The time has come to make a change.

Dr. Michael Rubino has over 25 years experience working with male teenagers, children and trauma victims including first responders.  He is a cofounder of the National Advisory Board for Alive and Free which addresses issues such as this one. For more information regarding his work and private practice visit his website or his Facebook page