Are you a worrier?  Some of my hypnotherapy clients think that they inherited worrying from their mom.  Worrying is not passed down through our genes but we do tend to adopt similar patterns and beliefs as our parents.  I’m sure you’ll agree, worrying can be a big time and energy waster, and it can also effect our overall physical health and mental well-being. In addition to using hypnotherapy to alleviate stress, anxiety and PTSD if you made a list of all the things that you have in your life to be grateful for it would shift your focus from worry to gratitude.

Most of the time the things we worry about never even happen.  Many people pray and what I share with my client’s is that worry is actually negative prayer.  When we pray we focus on what we want- good health, wealth, healthy relationships.  When we worry we are focus and fear.

Imagine two roads in front of you.  One is the positive thought road and the other is the negative thought road.  When you find yourself going down the negative thought road imagine a stop sign on a railroad arm snapping down to block you from going down the negative road.  You can even say to yourself “stop” and then shift your focus.  Take some deep breaths and visualize what you actually want to have happen because what we think about we bring about.  To learn more about hypnosis and the power of your subconscious visit my website and then give me a call for your free phone consultation.  Mindy Ash, Clinical Hypnotherapist