ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, presents challenges such as difficulty focusing, constant distraction, and impulsivity. These behaviours often stem from subconscious coping mechanisms developed in response to past experiences, such as childhood trauma or emotional neglect. These coping strategies, like distraction, become ingrained over time, making it hard to stay present and maintain focus.…

Hypnosis for Exam Success Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of your upcoming tests? Are you wondering how to pass a state test, pass your boards or other professional exam? Do you struggle with test anxiety or have trouble retaining the information you’ve studied so hard to learn? Hypnotherapy might be the solution you’ve…

For decades, people have turned to hypnotherapy to help them with all sorts of issues, from resolving hidden issues from childhood to major behavior modification. Hypnotherapy has been used with great success in helping people quit smoking, reduce stress and anxiety, build self-esteem, increase focus and memory retention, eliminate fears and phobias, sleep better, and…

Low self-esteem can cast a pervasive shadow over our lives, hindering our potential and preventing us from fully enjoying life’s rewards. However, with the right guidance and tools, reclaiming your sense of self-worth is entirely achievable. Understanding the Problem Improving self-esteem starts with understanding its roots and triggers. It goes beyond feeling good about oneself;…

In our quest for emotional well-being, intrusive thoughts often emerge as formidable obstacles, disrupting our inner peace and affecting our self-perception. These unwelcome visitors seem to appear out of nowhere, triggered by stress or deep-rooted beliefs. However, understanding and managing these thoughts is pivotal in reclaiming control over our mental landscape and fostering personal growth.…

Low self-confidence can cast a dark shadow over our lives, diminishing joy and blocking our potential. As a therapist specializing in emotional wellness, I understand the profound impact this can have. However, it’s important to know that with the right strategies and guidance, you can reclaim your inner strength and step into a life filled…

Are life’s challenges causing you overwhelming stress, making it difficult to navigate everyday emotions? You’re not alone. Stress accumulates gradually, affecting our ability to cope with daily life and leaving us feeling stretched thin. But there are effective ways to reclaim your inner peace and vitality. As a Mindfulness-Based Counselling Hypnotherapist in Victoria, B.C., I’m…

Panic attacks can profoundly restrict our lives, robbing us of joy and vitality. At Awareness In Health, I specialize in supporting individuals like you in reclaiming control and finding lasting relief from these debilitating experiences. Understanding Panic Attacks:  Panic attacks often stem from unresolved past traumas that overwhelm us emotionally. These experiences create protective mechanisms…

Anxiety can significantly hinder our daily lives, stealing away joy and spontaneity. However, it’s entirely possible to reclaim control and rediscover happiness. Understanding anxiety is the first step toward healing and reclaiming our lives. Understanding Anxiety:  Anxiety often originates from past experiences that were too overwhelming to process. This leads to the development of coping…

If you’re seeking guidance on navigating the complexities of your emotions, you’re in the right place. In today’s discussion, we’ll explore Emotionally Focused Therapy and its transformative potential in fostering emotional resilience and self-discovery. Understanding Emotionally Focused Therapy Emotionally Focused Therapy revolves around the fundamental principle of embracing and understanding our emotions. It’s about cultivating…