In the labyrinthine corridors of our minds, the echoes of traumatic memories often linger, casting a shadow over our lives. The human brain, a complex and enigmatic organ, stores these memories with an uncanny permanence. But fear not, for there is a beacon of hope on the horizon—Havening. This innovative therapeutic approach, developed by Dr. Ronald Ruden and championed by luminaries like Dr. Kate Truitt, delves into the depths of neurophysiology, brain waves, and the intricate dance between memory and emotion. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore the remarkable world of Havening, from the neuroscience behind traumatic memory encoding to the practical application of this technique and the promising research findings that accompany it.

The Enigma of Traumatic Memory Encoding

The story begins with the amygdala, the emotional sentinel nestled deep within our brain. When we encounter a traumatic event, the amygdala takes center stage, orchestrating a whirlwind of emotional and sensory processing. It is here that the indelible mark of trauma is etched into our neural fabric (LeDoux, 1994). These memories, unlike their mundane counterparts, are vivid, emotionally charged, and often accompanied by intense physiological reactions.

Unlocking the Havening Magic

Enter Havening, a groundbreaking therapeutic approach that promises to untangle the web of traumatic memories. The Havening process unfolds through several key steps:

Creating Your Safe Haven: The journey begins by crafting a mental sanctuary, a safe space where the individual can seek refuge and solace (Truitt, 2019).

Revisiting Traumatic Memories: With the guidance of a trained practitioner, the individual revisits the traumatic memory. It’s akin to pressing ‘play’ on a vivid scene from the past.

Sensory Alchemy: While immersed in the memory, the practitioner employs gentle touch, often in the form of rhythmic stroking on the individual’s arms. This sensory intervention disrupts the neural pathways linked to the traumatic memory.

Reframing with Positivity: Simultaneously, the individual is encouraged to reframe the memory with positive and empowering thoughts. It’s akin to rewriting the script of a mental movie (Truitt, 2019).

Delta Waves and Their Role in Havening

The brain’s symphony is orchestrated by an array of neural rhythms, each with its own unique role. One such rhythm, the delta wave, typically associated with deep sleep and profound relaxation, plays a pivotal role in the Havening process (Steriade et al., 1993). Here’s why delta waves are instrumental:

Delta Wave Serenity: During Havening, the brain enters a state of heightened delta wave activity, inducing profound relaxation and a sense of safety (McNally et al., 2015).

Memory Reconsolidation: Delta waves appear to facilitate the process of memory reconsolidation during Havening. In essence, they act as the brain’s eraser, reducing the emotional charge of traumatic memories (Havening Techniques, n.d.).

Emotional Liberation: Pioneering research conducted by A. Novo Navarro and colleagues (2020) discovered that Havening led to decreased emotional reactivity to traumatic memories. Fear and anxiety take a backseat as individuals embark on their healing journey.

The Path to Healing: Dr. Kate Truitt’s Contribution

No exploration of Havening is complete without acknowledging the contributions of Dr. Kate Truitt. Her unwavering dedication to the field of trauma recovery has not only advanced our understanding of Havening but has also opened doors to new possibilities for those seeking healing. Dr. Truitt’s work stands as a testament to the transformative potential of Havening.

Havening offers a beacon of hope for those burdened by the weight of traumatic memories. From the intricate neurophysiological processes of memory encoding to the modulation of delta waves in the brain, Havening represents a transformative therapeutic approach. It empowers individuals to reclaim their narratives, break free from the chains of the past, and step into a future bathed in healing and hope. As we continue to unveil the neurophysiological intricacies of Havening, it stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit’s capacity for resilience and transformation.


1. Havening Techniques. (n.d.). Havening. Retrieved from

2. LeDoux, J. E. (1994). Emotion, memory and the brain. Scientific American, 270(6), 50-57.

3. McNally, R. J., Lasko, N. B., Macklin, M. L., & Pitman, R. K. (2015). Autobiographical memory disturbance in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38(7), 585-591.

4. Steriade, M., Nunez, A., & Amzica, F. (1993). Intracellular analysis of relations between the slow (<1 Hz) neocortical oscillation and other sleep rhythms of the electroencephalogram. Journal of Neuroscience, 13(8), 3266-3283.

5. Truitt, K. (2019). An Introduction to Havening Techniques: A Psycho-sensory Approach to Healing Trauma. The International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 12(4), 172-174.

6. Navarro, A. N., van Schie, K., & van den Hout, M. A. (2020). Havening: A new avenue for post-event processing? Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 569.