Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response:

Whenever we can be employed in a setting where we get to live consistent with our core values it helps a great deal with satisfaction. It helps us feel a sense of purpose in the work that we do.  It helps connect to “intrinsic motivation” which is when we feel an internal connection or reason for doing something. If our work is aligned with values, we are likely working with others that feel the same and that can improve co-worker relationships. When our work aligns with values we are likely more engaged and motivated to accomplish the mission, directives, or tasks. We may also be more motivated to stay in that field of work. It may also allow you to continue to make decisions that are consistent with your values and goals. 

Aligning your work with your values may help with work-life balance because this alignment (more than balance) can allow work and personal life to be a bit more fluid and one compliments or supports the other. If you are working in a position that feels aligned you are also less likely to feel the bunout that can come from being dissatisfied. When a conflict arises you are likely better equipped and motivated to resolve that conflict because of your value system. 

How do you align values with work? 


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