The professional football season has come to an end.  This means that Super Bowl weekend will be here.  For many people Super Bowel Sunday is a day of fun and to have a party.  Many people look forward to Super Bowl parties and having a fun weekend.  However, it is not a fun weekend for everyone. For many it is a weekend of terror.  Super Bowl Sunday is when the most incidents of domestic violence occurs in the US (CDC).  The domestic violence is not only limited to adult couples in a relationships.  Domestic violence occurs in teenage dating relationships too.  Additionally, domestic violence occurs in heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

Because people tend to drink more alcohol at the parties this can raise tensions between people. The result can be arguments and physical violence. In fact, as I stated above, some statistics rate Super Bowl Sunday as the day of the year that the most domestic violence occurs.  If a woman is pregnant and there is already domestic violence occurring, she is at a greater risk of being a victim of domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday.  In fact, it is serious enough that the NFL has started running PSAs regarding domestic violence around Super Bowl Sunday.

To get a better idea click this link and read the statistics and watch the PSA.

The other issue is that children are exposed to the domestic violence which occurs on Super Bowl Sunday and the rest of the year.  This can have a serious impact on children.  They can grow up thinking it is acceptable to hit their partner or to be verbally abusive to their partner.  They may also grow up thinking that if they are hit by a boyfriend or girlfriend that they deserve it.  So they do not end the relationship or seek help because they believe the deserve to be abused.

Domestic Violence is a very complex problem that can go back many generations in a family.  It can also be the source of bullying that we see at schools.  Therefore, domestic violence effects the entire family.  It effects adults and children in very dramatic ways. If you are experiencing domestic violence in your family or relationship, please seek professional help.  Click on the following link, it will provide you access to the National Domestic Abuse Help Line where you can call or chat on line to get help 24 hours a day, 356 days a year.

As I stated above, children who witnessed domestic violence are impacted by it too. Domestic violence occurs with teenagers too and is just as serious. Click this link and learn the shocking facts

I encourage you to learn more about this issue and to talk to your teenagers about it.  No one has a right to hit them or to verbally tear them apart. Again, if you are a victim of domestic violence or there is domestic violence in your family reach out for help.  Domestic violence does not improve on its own, it only gets worse.  Click on the link above or talk to your primary care doctor or a teacher, but reach out for help, it is out there.

Dr. Michael Rubino specializes in treating children and adolescents and he is certified in the assessment and treatment of Domestic Violence. Dr. Rubino has over 25 years experience as a psychotherapist. For more information about his work or private practice visit his website at or his Facebook page  or follow him on Twitter @Rubinotherapy.