Since the beginning of the pandemic children have experienced an increase in depression and anxiety.  It’s understandable because they have been isolated from friends and family.  In addition no one can tell them what to expect and many have lost family members to COVID. Furthermore, just as somethings were opening up and returning somewhat to…

The Holiday Season is here, however, this year it will be very different due to the Coronavirus.  We have 225,000 people who have passed away from the virus so far.  So we have numerous people who are grieving for spouses, grandparents, siblings, parents and friends.  Furthermore, many parents are unemployed.  Millions of families cannot afford…

I am hearing more and more children are teenagers complain about they are tired of the pandemic and they want their lives to return to normal.  They don’t want to wear a mask anymore and they want to play with their friends.  I am also hearing parents also comment about being tired of the Coronavirus…