Possunt quia posse videntur ~ Virgil
I was motivated to write this week’s post (and even wrote most of it). Then I realized there were much better resources available than what I could provide alone. Motivation is a huge field of research! It has been studied for centuries by philosophers, educators, neurologists, sportsman, lawyers, leaders – and businesses from Dunkin Donuts to Weight Watchers. There are at least 20 theories of motivation from psychologists alone (the most famous from Freud, Skinner & Maslow)…
So, I could’ve either picked a different topic or provide you with some of the best resources I could find around this complex topic. I hope you’ll be motivated enough to check one or two of them out!
• Website: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-motivation-2795378
This site provides a pretty solid overview of contemporary motivation research, and it’s done in plain language
• Book: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Bonus, if you go to his website – jamesclear.com – you can sign up for a weekly email that’s excellent
• Podcast: https://www.verywellmind.com/best-motivational-podcasts…
Yes, this looks like another website, but there are just so many podcasts and it depends on what your specific interest(s) is. Many sites agreed, this list is the best of the best.
• Video: https://youtu.be/fxbCHn6gE3U
First off, let me say how much I love anything Adam Grant! Second, this TED Talk has been viewed 10 million times
• Movie: C’mon… Chariots of Fire (you’re already humming the theme song in your head).
• Motto: “Just Keep Swimming” – Dory (Finding Nemo)
• Bible Verse: John 14:15
Check these out and let me know what you think or what resources you might add!