Simone Bilies besides being an Olympic champion just became a champion for Mental Health. She said she was having some mental health issues today and withdrew from the Olympics. Showing it’s okay not to be okay. Also her entire team backed her up on deciding to take care of herself. This is a huge step…

When was the last time that you thought, “What is the purpose of this trial in my life right now?” If we are honest with ourselves when we’re going through hardship or difficult times very seldomly does this thought cross our minds, at least not initially. Maybe you’ve said to yourself recently, “In hindsight I…

How much time are you spending worrying about things outside of your control? Have you thought about what those things are? In simple terms things we can’t control include the weather or people driving on the road. More challenging things that we can’t control are events or circumstances such as what people say or do,…