Today is the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.  Our Country said it is a day we will never forget, however people in the early 20s were too young to remember and teenagers were not even born.  They most likely have heard numerous stories about that day, but…

September is suicide awareness month.  Many parents of teenagers ask me, if their child could be suicidal and what to do if their child is suicidal?  I have been getting this question even more now that the pandemic has lasted so long.  As a result of teenagers and children having to stay in the house…

Since the pandemic began, my son and I have taken up walking together. It wasn’t until the we started to see the buds on the trees (and a much larger than necessary garter snake in the leaves), that we realized we had walked our path for four seasons. The passing of spring, the freedom of…

“It was always you I loved, not your elegant strategy. I will love you still, if you now outgrow it. I will love you more whether time moves forward or backwards. Whether ice melts or water freezes back. Whether your next move is protection, breakthrough, shift, or any combination. There are at least three ways…