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Tag: Suicide

What is ‘Free Association’?

Free association in psychology is a therapeutic technique developed by Sigmund Freud, which invites patients to express whatever comes to mind without censorship or judgment. This method was devised to access unconscious thoughts and memories, facilitating self-discovery by uncovering aspects of the psyche otherwise hidden. The approach was a departure from hypnosis, a tool used […]

How Can We Transform Suffering Into Positive Change?

To transform suffering into positive change, it is crucial to recognize its inevitability in life. Philosophers like Nietzsche and Leopardi emphasize that suffering is an intrinsic part of the human experience. Rather than viewing it as a mere accident or misfortune, we must learn to ask how we will endure suffering when it arises. Will […]

What is the Concept of Attachment in Psychology?

Attachment theory, first developed by John Bowlby, focuses on the behaviours infants use to stay close to their caregivers and ensure their survival. Bowlby proposed that actions such as crying, clinging, and seeking proximity to a caregiver are evolutionary mechanisms that enhance an infant’s chances of survival by keeping them close to their primary caregiver. […]

Why Do the Holidays Sometimes Bring Up Negative Emotions?

The holiday season often stirs up complex emotions, especially for those who find it hard to align their experiences with the cheerful imagery of togetherness and joy. From a psychodynamic perspective, this time of year can bring long-buried feelings to the surface. The pressure to connect with family or meet societal expectations of holiday cheer […]

What is Active Imagination?

Active imagination, a technique developed by Carl Jung, serves as a core method in analytical psychology for engaging with the unconscious. Jung viewed it as a pathway to achieving personal wholeness by unlocking latent aspects of the psyche. Unlike dreams, where the unconscious communicates in a passive, unidirectional way, active imagination allows the conscious mind […]

Men’s Mental Health and Societal Pressures: How Counselling Helps

Michelle Collier

Mental health challenges affect everyone, yet men often face unique barriers in seeking support. While the alarming reality of domestic violence against women has rightly gained significant attention, domestic violence toward men remains largely unspoken. As a society, we must create space for all voices to be heard, addressing these complex issues with empathy and […]

Understanding Suicide: The Psychological Landscape

Frankie Wanger

Suicide is a complex and heart-wrenching topic that affects individuals, families, and communities. It’s one of the leading causes of death worldwide, yet there’s still a significant amount of stigma and misunderstanding surrounding it. In this blog, we’ll delve into the psychological aspects of suicide, aiming to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and offer insight into […]

How Parents Can Help Their Children Cope with Childhood Trauma

Therapedia Centre

    Childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are more common than many people realize. Research by Delphine Collin-Vézina, a professor at the School of Social Work, and data from Stats Canada reveal that nearly one in three children in Canada has experienced some form of ACE, such as abuse, neglect, or household dysfunction. […]

What are the Similarities and Differences of Traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Art Therapy in Addressing Acute Stress Disorder?

Therapedia Centre

When addressing the complex challenges of trauma, especially conditions like Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), both traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and art therapy have proven to be effective therapeutic methods. Each approach offers unique benefits, from the structured cognitive techniques of CBT to the expressive and creative avenues provided by art therapy. While CBT focuses […]

Resiliency: Rising Once More

Dr. Joyce Wagner

My barn having burned down, I can now see the moon.” ~ Mizuta Masahide (17th century Japanese poet & samurai) Resilience is the capacity of a person to adapt to difficult or challenging experiences.   Resiliency is a testament to the strength of human character along with our ability to choose a course of action despite […]

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