Understanding NIHB and Access to Mental Health Services for Indigenous People In a world where mental health awareness is progressively taking the forefront, the provision of psychotherapy and counseling services to Indigenous people, free of charge, marks a significant step towards healing and reconciliation. This initiative is largely supported by the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)…

The journey through grief is a profound and complex process, significantly more so for children and adolescents who face the death of a loved one. This blog explores the multifaceted nature of grief within the developmental stages of young individuals, the therapeutic avenues available, including art therapy and psychotherapy, and the concept of “good grief.”…

Today’s mothers are often juggling multiple roles and demands in their everyday life. They can feel totally maxed out physically and emotionally. Society places unattainable expectations on mothers and often sends out messages that we are failing. And now with health warnings all over the news, there is additional stress about the wellness of our…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: It is absolutely common for women to experience changes that coincide with just before, during, and after menopause.  During this time of life women experience changes in their hormones and tend to struggle with maintaining a weight that they are happy with or that they…

With many clinicians offering a ‘free meet and greet’ what should you ask?    Research shows that much of your success in counseling relies on the rapport and trust you have with your therapist. That makes sense – if you don’t trust and feel comfortable with your therapist to tell them everything – they can’t…

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping is a powerful mind-body technique that combines elements of Western psychology and Eastern medicine. It involves gently tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on and verbalizing emotions, thoughts, or memories. EFT Tapping has gained widespread popularity due to its potential transformative effects on emotional well-being and…

The importance of mental well-being cannot be emphasized enough, especially for our young ones. With the stresses of modern life and the challenges the younger generation faces, psychotherapy, and particularly art therapy, emerges as a beacon of hope. What is Art Therapy? Before diving into the specifics, let’s clarify what art therapy entails. It is…

In the realm of mental health and therapy, various approaches have emerged over the years to help individuals overcome traumatic experiences and achieve emotional healing. One such groundbreaking therapeutic technique is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR has gained recognition and widespread use for its effectiveness in treating trauma-related disorders, phobias, and other psychological…

Starting therapy at a young age in the face, specially when the child has experienced a traumatic event, is important for several reasons: Early intervention and prevention: Trauma, particularly when experienced during childhood, can have long-lasting effects on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By starting therapy early, it is possible to intervene and…

Motherhood — it’s one of the most complex, confusing and demanding professions in the world. It can also be one of the most fulfilling.  Unfortunately for many new moms, the sense of fulfillment takes a back seat to a feeling of being overwhelmed by expectations — our own and society’s.   Expectations vs. Reality:  Before having…