FIRST: The Inner Child (IC) is the repository of all our childhood experiences, from birth until we left that environment – our memories, emotions & immature thinking. It includes our True Self, which did show up in some ways, but was mostly suppressed or distorted. Our IC now holds all our own wounds PLUS the wounds…

Faith, hope and love; the greatest of these is love (I Corinthians 13:13). What settles people in from existing storms is the ability to present one another with the probability of hope. Living is not enough; one must indeed know how to live. How? Understanding the how fragile one’s existence actually is. Taking stock in…

Are you seeking relief from emotional turmoil? Have you considered the transformative potential of Energy Healing? Picture this: reclining in a state of tranquility as invisible forces of energy that are all around us gently recalibrate your inner balance. It’s a profound experience, one that leaves you feeling lighter, calmer, and more centered. My own…

Have you ever paused to ponder who you truly are beneath the layers of your past experiences and societal expectations? What drives you to seek fulfillment and joy amidst life’s challenges? Welcome to the profound exploration of spiritual growth within therapy, where we delve into the depths of your soul to ignite healing and transformation.…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: Getting unstuck can be tricky. The best way I navigate this is: Take a moment to listen to my self-talk – really listen. This is the step that I find most people skip. If I can identify what my internal dialogue is saying, I can…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: The “boyfriend effect” is real.  Gen Z doesn’t have a lock on this effect, they just have social media platforms to talk about it.  We have long known that when people get into committed relationships they tend to dress down a bit, gain weight, and…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was interviewed by Beth Ann Mayer from Parade magazine, about that very topic. Here’s a link to that article. And, here’s her longer response: Why might people want to become more charismatic? Social Influence: Charisma helps individuals influence, inspire, and connect with others effectively. Being connected socially is one of the most important parts of our humanness. Being a…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: First of all, we all do some level of catastrophic thinking. Also known as catastrophizing (sometimes I call it “awfulizing” just to make it easier to pronounce), involves imagining the worst possible outcomes in a situation and can lead to anxiety and stress; it can…