In today’s fast-paced society, where technology reigns supreme and instant gratification is the norm, maintaining focus and attention has become increasingly challenging for individuals of all ages. Amidst the constant barrage of notifications, emails, and social media updates, the ability to concentrate on tasks and engage fully in meaningful interactions has become a precious commodity.…

The term “neurodiversity” has been a buzzword on social media in recent years. While this term is often associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it is not a synonym for ASD. Instead, it simply means “the range of differences in individual brain function and behavioral traits, regarded as part of normal variation in the human…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: The “boyfriend effect” is real.  Gen Z doesn’t have a lock on this effect, they just have social media platforms to talk about it.  We have long known that when people get into committed relationships they tend to dress down a bit, gain weight, and…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: “Drytripping,” quite simply, is intentionally making the choice to not consume alcohol while on vacation. On “vacy” we can tend to over indulge and abstaining from alcohol can be beneficial because we tend to remember things more clearly and we don’t experience the lapses in…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: Well, actually it was two questions. First, why do some parents feel compelled to extensively document their vacations on social media, and, second, what are the benefits of staying off social media while on vacations? Parents may feel a compulsion to document and share every…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: First of all, we all do some level of catastrophic thinking. Also known as catastrophizing (sometimes I call it “awfulizing” just to make it easier to pronounce), involves imagining the worst possible outcomes in a situation and can lead to anxiety and stress; it can…

Adult ADHD is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by difficulties in sustaining attention, controlling impulsivity, distractions, and regulating emotions. Among the challenges that come with adult ADHD, cultivating a positive inner dialogue and practicing self-compassion can have a profound impact on one’s well-being and ability to manage ADHD…

I’m your resource. What do you want to know about fear? I’m afraid. I don’t like it What don’t you like about it? It makes me panicky and on edge. What does panicky and on edge feel like? A tightness on my chest, I can’t think straight. What does that feeling make you want to…