Being married for many years is hard.  Times change. People change. Conflict is part of every marriage.  How we handle marital conflict can have a strong impact on children.  Parents that fight in front of their children are hurting their children.  Children rely on their parents for security and safety.  Fighting, hostility, yelling and threats…

It is the beginning of the school year and schools are starting to review and reassess children’s IEPs (Individualized Educational Plan) or 504 plans. I have been hearing from parents all over the country who are afraid about lies they are hearing at their child’s school. Many of these parents are panicked and overwhelmed. They…

September 10th is National Suicide Prevention Day so here are some facts about suicide. One issue that we need to address is suicide is a mental health issue for children and teenagers that often is ignored. I hope the information in this article helps you understand the issue of suicide. To start off with, I…

We have known for a long time about the cyber bullying epidemic. We are also aware that cyber bullying has resulted in many teens and even college students committing suicide. Suicide is the extreme response to cyber bullying. This action also results in many teenagers dealing with severe depression or turning to drugs or alcohol.…

School has started for most teenagers and I have started hearing arguments between teenagers and parents about a teenager’s free time versus the time they devote to school. A common argument I hear daily in my office is how much time should an adolescent be spending on their laptop or their smart phone. Parents typically…

As a psychotherapist works with teenagers and their parents, I have heard a common complaint from both teenagers and their parents. Both complain about difficulties with communication. Teenagers feel that their parents don’t understand them. And parents tell me they feel like they cannot communicate with their teenagers. I have stated in prior articles that…

School will be starting soon and many parents will receive reports from their child’s teacher that will cause them to ask, “Does my child have ADHD?” I hear this very often and do many assessments on children to determine if a child has ADHD. Yes ADHD is a really disorder, but too many teachers and…

As the school year is starting many parents are focused on their children’s transition into High School or Kindergarten. However, there is another important transition for children. Beginning Middle School is a major transition for pre-adolescents. As a psychotherapist who works with adolescents, I am very familiar with what is happening on High School and…