In my practice, both online and in Victoria, I’ve guided numerous individuals through the maze of anxiety. Drawing from personal experience and professional insights, I’ve unraveled anxiety as a manifestation of fear deeply rooted in our subconscious. Often stemming from unresolved past events or emotional encounters, it breeds beliefs of inadequacy or unworthiness, hindering our ability to engage fully in life.

Understanding Anxiety: Unpacking the Fear Perception

Anxiety, at its core, is a perception that life lacks safety, stifling our authenticity and expression. This perception births self-limiting beliefs and discomfort in social settings, impeding personal growth and fulfillment.

Fostering a Sense of Security: A Fresh Approach

Effectively tackling anxiety requires nurturing an inner and outer sense of safety. Leveraging the subconscious mind’s penchant for habit, we can foster confidence and resilience, wresting control from fear’s grip.

Concrete Steps to Cultivate Safety

Discover Your Safe Haven: Identify a tranquil, distraction-free space to practice regularly. Consistency is key, so choose a spot you can access daily.

Embrace Mindful Breathing: 

Settle into a comfortable position, focusing on each breath. Affirm your safety and release immediate concerns with slow, deliberate breaths, coaxing your body into relaxation and calm.

Tap into Breath Power: 

Our breath mirrors our mental state. By cultivating calm, rhythmic breathing, we signal to our subconscious that it is safe, fostering inner peace and stability.

Commit to Consistency: 

Dedicate yourself to mindful breathing for at least a month, embedding it into your routine. With time, this practice becomes second nature, empowering you to stay composed amidst challenges.

Progress Gradually into Practical Use: 

Begin by managing minor stressors before tackling deeper emotions. Persistence breeds progress, equipping you to maintain composure even in the throes of panic.

In Closing:  

Mindful breathing emerges as a potent ally in anxiety management, offering a pathway to reclaim control. Integrating this practice into your daily life cultivates safety and resilience, empowering you to confront challenging emotions and situations with confidence.

Picture your breathing sanctuary as a refuge during turbulent times. Amidst life’s chaos, tap into the peace of your regular practice space, allowing tranquil breaths to soothe your mind. With each breath, reclaim your sense of control, poised to navigate life’s challenges with newfound calm.

Take the plunge into self-discovery and healing, one step at a time. Embrace each moment with kindness and openness, forging a path to peace amid anxiety’s tumult.

See my website to watch the Video: Expert Strategies to Overcome Anxiety:


Warm regards,

Arne Pedersen

Mindfulness-based Hypnotherapist

Victoria, B.C.