Establishing a connection is essential for many reasons. Whether that connection is with yourself, others, or nature. According to psychologists, making a connection is extremely important for our overall sense of self, our emotional and physical health. Dozen of clinical researches have shown that people are generally ‘happier’ when connected in any form of relationships.…

Gratitude works like magic, the more you use it, the more magic you will experience. If for one day you spent being fully aware of all that you are blessed and fortunate to have, your will be filled with an astounding sense of gratitude and awe. In our culture, we have been so conditioned to…

Have you ever wondered why you continue to have problems or difficulties in finding love, or accumulating money or being successful? Have you continued to be unsuccessful in your attempts and now just believe that love, abundance or success are just not for you? Well, I’ve got some information that will change everything and will…

I recently read a “Guide To Detox During A Crisis For Energy” by Rosie Acousta ~  and Radically Loved and thought this could be a reset for when we feel depleted. Since everyone copes differently, this is another restorative tool to help us boost our immunity. We will feel resilient and empowered to tap into the best version of…

Did you ever wonder how your thoughts and feelings affect your life? Have you ever pondered how the way you view things has an affect on the outcome? These are wonderful things to think about. Since we are the ones who are thinking about our lives, it only makes sense that how we view things…

When you find yourself feeling scared, anxious, depressed, frustrated or any of the negative emotions we all feel at times there is 1 thing that I highly recommend doing. It is a simple but powerful and effective technique that can be done anywhere at anytime. Most of the time we are operating from our minds,…

You Are What You Think! If you are struggling with low moods, depression, fear, anxiety, lack of confidence and feelings of dread, than it may be time to start thinking  differently. Most people live their lives observing what is in their environment, leading them to thinking thoughts about what they are observing, and than feeling…

It is vitally important to start your day off with positively. When you start the day with positive thoughts, you move into your day with a glow, with a smile and this makes all the difference. Below I will list 4 things that will enrich and enliven your day and help you get off to…

I have been thinking a lot in recent times about my School teachers, some more definately because of the fruits their seeds have yielded in my Life. One teacher, specifically helped me get my handwriting right and better. I used to mix capital and small letters in sentences. He taught me that you start with…