It is vitally important to start your day off with positively. When you start the day with positive thoughts, you move into your day with a glow, with a smile and this makes all the difference. Below I will list 4 things that will enrich and enliven your day and help you get off to…

Lets talk about thoughts and how they can either uplift you and increase your feeling of well being and inner peace or for most  people they can completely bring you down and ruin your day, your week, your month or even years. For some, even destroy their entire lifetime. So thoughts come and thoughts go,…

If you’re as old as I am, you may remember the Saturday Night Live spoof called Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley, which essentially pokes fun at the use of positive affirmations. And at some time in your life when you were down in a slump, it is highly likely someone perhaps suggested for you to…

The negative impacts of childhood anxiety on adolescent and adult mental health have been studied by numerous researchers. Many child and adolescent therapists agree that childhood anxiety, if not treated, negatively impacts individuals later on in life. We have heard from many of our teenage clients that they used to feel this way [anxious, stressed,…

It is no secret that COVID-19 has changed all of our lives and has left a lot of individuals (children and adults) in distress as it has made us make extreme adjustments to our day-to-day activities. The uncertainty of the situation has been causing higher levels of stress for many families. From worrying about jobs,…