99% of the anxiety provoking thoughts has their roots in either the past or the future. Hence, central to the anxiety reducing activities is the idea of being/living in the moment/ present. To read more, please visit: http://blog.montrealarttherapy.com/?p=80

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up. Many consumers seek a quick fix.  They go to a variety of untrained “therapists” searching for a remedy for instant gratification. …

eniors facing early to mid-stage Alzheimer’s usually suffer from boredom, powerlessness, and loneliness. Therefore, art activities for seniors with Alzheimer’s should aim at improving their quality of life in the years they struggle with this disease. Art therapists working with this population focus on strengthening the remaining cognitive and physical abilities of elderlies instead of…

Dr Judy Sedgeman will present a weekend retreat Oct 20 and 21 in Hartford. Judy recently left her post as Director of Public Policy at the University of S. Florida in order to spread knowledge of 3 Principles that lead people back to their Innate Mental Health, for mental health professionals and the general public.…