Many adults and teenagers are currently concerned about their weight and how their bodies look due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.  For almost two years adults and teenagers were confined to their homes.  Furthermore, as things started to open up, gyms were the last places authorized to open.  This resulted in many adults and teenagers not…

Being a teenage boy in 2022 is very difficult for many boys.  Most teenage boys are still trying to live up to to the old stereotype regarding what it takes to be a “man.”  As a result of trying to live up to this image, it cost many teenage boys a big price.  Many boys…

Self care is the ultimate buzz word in therapy.  We are bombarded with reminders to practice self care as a coping skill, to decrease stress, to recharge our batteries.  But what actually constitutes self care?  Visions of spa days and yoga classes come to mind, but seem out of reach for a typical day as…