Working with teenagers, I often have parents who are concerned about their teenager using marijuana or alcohol.  Besides the concern that their teenager may be using drugs or alcohol, they are concerned about their teenager becoming addicted.  Besides marijuana and alcohol, parents are concerned about methamphetamines and heroin.  Currently there is an epidemic of  teenagers…

When I’m particularly overwhelmed or drowning in negative emotions, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and remind myself that life is like an ocean. Like the ocean, life is a vast, mysterious, unpredictable force much bigger than any one person. Sometimes it’s beautiful and freeing and joyous. Other times, it’s terrifying and rough…

Savor Gratitude– This is a practice of mindful gratitude. Embrace at the moment and take note of the appreciation of something- take a moment to pause and breathe into it. You will experience the expansion of your heart opening, your taking in more oxygen, and the cellular structure of your being will resonate. You will…

Today, February 14, 2021, will mark the three year anniversary of the at the high school in Parkside, Florida.  On that day 17 people were killed and 17 people were injured. The lives of these students, teachers and staff and families were changed forever.  Additionally, the lives of the first responders, paramedics and police, were…