We have a nation of grieving people and families.  There are over 560,000 Americans who have died due to the Coronavirus and there are people who are still dying from the Coronavirus every day.  Adults, teenagers and children are grieving the loss of parents, grandparents, children, uncles and aunts and friends.  Additionally, according to the…

By Robin Gardner, CDC, CPC                                                                                                                             Certified Divorce Coach                          …

When I’m particularly overwhelmed or drowning in negative emotions, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and remind myself that life is like an ocean. Like the ocean, life is a vast, mysterious, unpredictable force much bigger than any one person. Sometimes it’s beautiful and freeing and joyous. Other times, it’s terrifying and rough…

Savor Gratitude– This is a practice of mindful gratitude. Embrace at the moment and take note of the appreciation of something- take a moment to pause and breathe into it. You will experience the expansion of your heart opening, your taking in more oxygen, and the cellular structure of your being will resonate. You will…

This year has taught us many lessons.  It has taught us that people we love may die unexpectedly and without us having a chance to say goodbye.  We have had over 225,000 moms, fathers, sons, daughters, spouses, grandparents and friends die from the Coronavirus this year (CDC).  The public health experts are estimating this number…