Understanding NIHB and Access to Mental Health Services for Indigenous People In a world where mental health awareness is progressively taking the forefront, the provision of psychotherapy and counseling services to Indigenous people, free of charge, marks a significant step towards healing and reconciliation. This initiative is largely supported by the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)…

In my practice, both online and in Victoria, I’ve guided numerous individuals through the maze of anxiety. Drawing from personal experience and professional insights, I’ve unraveled anxiety as a manifestation of fear deeply rooted in our subconscious. Often stemming from unresolved past events or emotional encounters, it breeds beliefs of inadequacy or unworthiness, hindering our…

Now there you are, walking around in your head, perhaps in deep thought or drifting in a daydream, when suddenly, “BOO!” Out of nowhere, an overenthusiastic friend jumps out and practically scares the life out of you. Of course, you try to pose poise so your friend doesn’t have the pleasure of accomplishing their mission…

The Surgeon General’s Office for the United States has issued a statement that loneliness is an epidemic in America.  They note it started prior to the pandemic and that it significantly increased during the pandemic.  I see many teenagers who report feeling bored, anxious, depressed and lonely.  While many of us attempt to return to…

I’m excited to announce that I’m launching a new group that should be really fun! LFG A weekly support group for anybody who loves video games. This group is a space to share how video games support us, entertain us, and enrich our lives. There will be opportunities to share how video games connect to…

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