Do we have our priorities straight? On May 24, 2022, 19 children were brutally murdered at their elementary school by a mass shooter.  The children’s bodies were so torn up by the assault weapon that parents had to provide DNA samples so the corner could identify the bodies.  All the funerals had to have closed…

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a mental health condition that results in extreme mood swings and emotional highs and lows (depression). When patients ask me, “what causes bipolar,” there is no simple answer. Underlying causes or factors can include genetic predisposition or sudden and chronic stressors such as drug/alcohol abuse, financial struggles, losing a…

The holidays are an excellent time to bond and strengthen family relationships, however they can also be stressful particularly when dealing with family conflict and differing personalities. Some conflict can arise spontaneously, while other times there may be hurt feelings from the past that present themselves again when you reunite. Today I want to focus…