Many of my clients have already discovered through long frustrating hours of trying to find a court approved anger management program,that there aren’t many actual “Anger Management Specialists” to be found. In fact, it is a highly specialized field. I have provided Anger Management treatment for the Department of Corrections for nearly twenty years and…

We all have heard about kids being bullied at school and about the anti-bullying programs being developed to stop bullying. In fact, the month of October is dedicated to Bully Awareness and to stop bullying. However, do we really know how severe the problem is? Research shows that 1 in 4 children are bullied at…

Being married for many years is hard.  Times change. People change. Conflict is part of every marriage.  How we handle marital conflict can have a strong impact on children.  Parents that fight in front of their children are hurting their children.  Children rely on their parents for security and safety.  Fighting, hostility, yelling and threats…

The end of the school year is around the corner and it is that time of year again – it’s Finals time. Your teenagers are probably very stressed or getting stressed. There is a lot of things going on right now, Junior Prom, Senior Ball and other end of the year activities. As I stated…