Finding Happiness in the Face of Life’s Uncertainties An incident from my early childhood on my parents’ small farm left a lasting impression on me about the fragility and preciousness of life. A family friend, in a moment of recklessness or curiosity, fired a .22 rifle, narrowly missing me, a mere 6-month-old baby sleeping peacefully…

  Many fear waking up in old age filled with regret, especially regarding their relationships. They dread the thought of not having done enough to save their marriage, the impact of a divorce on their children, or not acting sooner before it was too late. This fear of regret is a powerful motivator to take…

  Dispelling 5 Myths About Saving Your Marriage” Working as a marriage counselor, mentor, and coach, I’ve encountered numerous myths about saving marriages. These misconceptions can be misleading and detrimental. This post aims to clear up these myths and shed light on the realities that can help save your marriage. Myth 1: Both Partners Must…

  In the United States, over 500,000 couples each month seek couples therapy. But there’s a critical misunderstanding that needs to be addressed. Many believe that simply attending couples therapy sessions will automatically save their marriage. This assumption could not be further from the truth and might even be counterproductive. As seasoned professionals in therapy,…

The quest of “how to find your life purpose” is a journey that intertwines deeply with one’s sense of self. Let’s explore how a healthy self-esteem is not just beneficial but essential in identifying and pursuing your life’s true calling. Exploration of Self-Esteem and Life Purpose: Self-Esteem as a Catalyst: High self-esteem not only boosts…

In the dynamic landscape of leadership, where challenges abound and the need for authenticity is paramount, the ancient Sanskrit word “Sankalpa” emerges as a beacon informing leaders toward a transformative journey of self-discovery, intentionality, and purpose. Rooted in the union of ‘san,’ meaning ‘connection with the highest truth,’ and ‘kalpa,’ signifying ‘commitment’ or ‘vow,’ Sankalpa…

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help people achieve positive changes in their health and well-being. Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility that can enhance the power of the mind to influence the body and behavior. In this blog post, we will explore some of the…

New beginnings are often associated with the start of a new year, but the journey to self-renewal and healing isn’t confined to January (the New Year). Making a list of new year’s resolutions is often considered a one-time task that is done in December; we argue that that this list of new goals can be…

What is Grief? Grief is a complex emotional response to loss, often profound and deeply personal. It encompasses a range of feelings from deep sadness to anger, and the process varies greatly from one individual to another. Grief can follow the loss of a loved one, the end of a significant relationship, or other major…

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