The heart can take and transform anything – think about it… what we are on the level of our heart has the ability to clean, refine and reconfigure us into what we were meant to be; real humans – beings of love.Imagine that you were able to be love in the face of anything. That…

Have you ever found yourself in a standoff with a daunting task, knowing you should start, but instead, you end up deep-cleaning your kitchen? Or perhaps you’ve suddenly realized that your dog needs an immediate and thorough bath just as you’re about to sit down with your tax forms? If this sounds familiar, you’re not…

In the rapidly evolving landscape of personal and professional development, the role of a life coach has become increasingly significant. Life coaching, once perceived as a luxury or an ambiguous service, is now recognized for its profound impact on individuals seeking to enhance their lives. Here are seven compelling reasons why working with a life…

ABCs of Self-Care “Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.” – Audre Lorde Oftentimes, we treat self-care as an afterthought. We wait until we reach our lowest, the point at which we realize something needs to change and hence, we turn to self-care. However, this positions self-care as a band-aid, a temporary fix. It is…

Not everyone connects with their inner child or even have the desire to. What made you want to explore this concept? Well I had to realize that all my adult ways weren’t working. I tried therapy, I tried to handle the here and now, I tried to mask, I drank, I tried to handle each…

I’m your resource. What do you want to know about fear? I’m afraid. I don’t like it What don’t you like about it? It makes me panicky and on edge. What does panicky and on edge feel like? A tightness on my chest, I can’t think straight. What does that feeling make you want to…

This is a follow-on to the previous week’s post (available here) in which we explored Sankalpa as sacred commitment aligning actions with a profound sense of purpose to positively impact one’s leadership skills. 1. Personalized Learning for Leadership Development.In a post-Covid era when the dinner table became the conference room, leadership from home transformed to propel…

In the quest for mental wellness and personal development, the digital world offers a new frontier of possibilities. With the advent of innovative technologies and the rise of virtual platforms, there’s an expanding universe of resources that can complement traditional therapy and coaching. For those on a journey of self-improvement, digital tools not only bring…

Trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s life, not only in terms of their immediate physical and emotional reactions, but also in terms of the long-term beliefs and attitudes they develop about themselves and the world. These beliefs, often referred to as “core beliefs,” can significantly impact a person’s mental health and overall…

Unraveling the Chains: How Negative Core Beliefs Shape Our Lives Introduction: In the complex tapestry of human experience, our beliefs serve as the invisible threads that weave together the fabric of our reality. These beliefs, often formed in the crucible of our early experiences, can either propel us toward success and fulfillment or shackle us…