In the quest for mental wellness and personal development, the digital world offers a new frontier of possibilities. With the advent of innovative technologies and the rise of virtual platforms, there’s an expanding universe of resources that can complement traditional therapy and coaching. For those on a journey of self-improvement, digital tools not only bring…

Trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s life, not only in terms of their immediate physical and emotional reactions, but also in terms of the long-term beliefs and attitudes they develop about themselves and the world. These beliefs, often referred to as “core beliefs,” can significantly impact a person’s mental health and overall…

Unraveling the Chains: How Negative Core Beliefs Shape Our Lives Introduction: In the complex tapestry of human experience, our beliefs serve as the invisible threads that weave together the fabric of our reality. These beliefs, often formed in the crucible of our early experiences, can either propel us toward success and fulfillment or shackle us…

Trauma Encoding in the Brain: Understanding the Impact of Adverse Experiences Trauma is a complex experience that can have a lasting impact on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. Trauma can come in many forms, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, neglect, natural disasters, accidents, and more. The human brain has a remarkable ability to…

Most people use the word anxiety to describe a feeling of uneasiness, impending doom, orfeeling overwhelmed. Although these feelings are common, they are actually a few of manysymptoms related to a group of disorders known as Anxiety Disorders. First, lets discussthe difference between normal anxiety and problematic anxiety.The feelings of anxiety are normal and part…

Finding Happiness in the Face of Life’s Uncertainties An incident from my early childhood on my parents’ small farm left a lasting impression on me about the fragility and preciousness of life. A family friend, in a moment of recklessness or curiosity, fired a .22 rifle, narrowly missing me, a mere 6-month-old baby sleeping peacefully…

  Many fear waking up in old age filled with regret, especially regarding their relationships. They dread the thought of not having done enough to save their marriage, the impact of a divorce on their children, or not acting sooner before it was too late. This fear of regret is a powerful motivator to take…

  Dispelling 5 Myths About Saving Your Marriage” Working as a marriage counselor, mentor, and coach, I’ve encountered numerous myths about saving marriages. These misconceptions can be misleading and detrimental. This post aims to clear up these myths and shed light on the realities that can help save your marriage. Myth 1: Both Partners Must…

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