As a psychotherapist specializing in couples counseling in Glendale, CA area and a Couples and Family Counseling professor at Pepperdine University , lying is a topic that is brought to the table more days than none. I found that when couples bring this topic into a therapy with grace session they are searching for two…

  ….Even though break-ups are one of the hardest things to do and saying goodbye is often one of the most dreaded things by Humans, in some cases it is often for the best and here are 10 ways to go through a break-up in a healthy wholesome way without becoming bitter, broken and scarred for the…

That’s a question Dr. Gayle MacBride gets from time to time, so she put together some thoughts to help guide people in similar situations.  Becoming friends with an ex’s new partner is very tricky and for the most part isn’t something that people do for all the reasons you can imagine: This is emotionally complex and will…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was interviewed by Beth Ann Mayer from Parade magazine, about that very topic. Here’s a link to that article. And, here’s her longer response: Why is it a good idea to consider whether or not to follow an ex on Instagram? Friendship: Some people are able to break up and remain truly friends. If you have an amicable relationship…

WELCOME TO A SANCTUARY OF HOLISTIC WELL-BEING AND LIBERATION! WE PROUDLY EMBRACE A SEX-POSITIVE, KINK-INCLUSIVE, AND POLYAMORY-SUPPORTIVE APPROACH TO THERAPY. With a deep understanding that human sexuality and relationships are diverse and multifaceted, together we can create a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals, couples, and groups to explore their authentic selves. Whether you’re navigating…

  Many fear waking up in old age filled with regret, especially regarding their relationships. They dread the thought of not having done enough to save their marriage, the impact of a divorce on their children, or not acting sooner before it was too late. This fear of regret is a powerful motivator to take…

With many clinicians offering a ‘free meet and greet’ what should you ask?    Research shows that much of your success in counseling relies on the rapport and trust you have with your therapist. That makes sense – if you don’t trust and feel comfortable with your therapist to tell them everything – they can’t…

Conflict is a common feature of even the happiest and most satisfying of marriages. Many arguments and disagreements can be successfully handled by the couples themselves, without the necessity of outside help. Good communication skills, mutual respect, and commitment can go a long way toward overcoming problems. Where particular situations and problems threaten to erode…

The first step in achieving sobriety from sex and porn addiction is education and awareness. Education is learning a new concept while awareness is the application of this new knowledge upon yourself. So today, let’s take a look at the addiction cycle itself. First, it begins with a trigger or craving. These triggers or cravings…