At Valiant Minds Counseling, we understand that patients with ADHD may struggle with organization and time management. These difficulties can lead to feelings of frustration, stress, and a sense of being overwhelmed. However, with the right strategies and tools, patients with ADHD can learn to improve their organization and better manage their time. One strategy…

At Valiant Minds Counseling, we understand that individuals with ADHD may struggle with a concept known as “time blindness”. This refers to the difficulty that individuals with ADHD may have in accurately perceiving and planning for the passage of time. As a result, individuals with ADHD may have difficulty with time management, planning, and completing…

41 Ways to Manage Impulsivity (for Children, Adolescents and Adults with ADHD) ( 10 Ways You Can Boost Your Child’s Executive Functioning (for children with ADHD) ( Why I left the standard educational system and went into business-Interview ( From a Master Procrastinator to an Efficiency Master ( ‘Neurodiversity’ and Entrepreneurship ( 8 Tips to…

  For many people, the term “ADHD” conjures up images of hyperactive children who can’t focus in school. While it’s true that some children with ADHD do struggle with focus and hyperactivity, the reality is that there’s a lot more to it than that. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause challenges with executive…

Many parents are very happy to hear that their child has been classified as “gifted.”  They assume that their child will do very well in school and have a very bright future because they are “gifted.”  While “gifted” children may excel in certain academic areas, often they have difficulties in other social situations or academic…